I still do a form, however I am struggling with some kind of approach to understanding applications in general. I have made some baby steps in this direction and here is a description of what I do:
I stay in the English language. I simply describe to myself where my hands at any given moment might be, for example, "a hand high and a hand low", lets say my left hand is a foot in front of my chin and my right hand is low, below my waist. Then I visualize all the possible applications of this or I get together with a training partner and work it out. If he threw a straight right punch, and I slipped it and am now "outside" it, at his right side, my high left hand could shoot under his extended right arm. My left shoulder is bumping fairly hard into his right rib cage just below his right shoulder. Meanwhile, at about the same time, my right hand, the low one, is locating behind his right knee. Circling my torso leftward, my left arm straight, and a little help in a lifting action with my right hand can topple him. It is heighth dependent (I am 6'3"), and speed is necessary, of course, but I have made it work.
This system of saying where the hands are is better for me than memorizing "Return tiger to mountain" or some such thing.
A hand in front and a hand in back is what you see in alot of martial arts ads. Tae Kwon Do ads and such where both hands are on about same geometric plane but one is close to the body and the other is straight out a ways. This is tai chi's "roll back".
So anyway I think like that alot. Whatever method a person dreams up, it is necessary, I believe, to start developing a system that works for them.
I have not purchased this information but if anybody has I would be very interested in a asking a few questions about it.