All us martial artists are going to HELL!!!

Mark Weiser said:
Practicing Judaism does not conflict with Martial Arts Training in the sense that We are required to protect our community and our families from our enemies.

I know Jewish Men that could put an gun shop to shame lol. If you get the Jewish Week Newspaper once in awhile you will see an article or an ad for Martial Arts Training run or owned by a Jewish Person.

I know and heard of Rabbi's that practice Karate and other Arts. The Torah and the Talmud (Oral Law) does not forbid Military Duty or working in Public Services such as Law Enforcement which requires skills that may involve the use of MA Tactics.
Ah - another member of the tribe. Interested in why you converted - either to being a Christian minister and then coming back, or vice versa. KT
Genin Andrew said:
That is the most pathetic website i have seen since not only does is the text and meaning of the site of ver poor quality bordering pathetic and futile but whats with the red text on the fluro green background!:idunno:

Whoever wrote that not only needs a bullet (no disrespect) but they need to find faith beyond the bible and develop a relationship with God rather than convicting others and trying to understand the esoteric living world of Martial Arts...some people hey.

much respect
Pathetic website? Indeed. I read the ranting and raving about literary agents and book distributors (aka the s**t list). Great fiction - including geographic locations (Secaucus isn't in NY unless it was moved in the past few minutes).

I've said it before - gotta love the Internet. KT
Well lol where do I begin. I could tell you how I started out to refute Jewish Arguements aganist Christianity and I found that I could not lol. So I am going with the winner lol.

I can at some point refer you to PalTalk and go to the Jewish Rooms and ask about me. My Nic was and is LiveTorah. Just ask they know me. I also have a website I can share later lol. I belong to several Jewish and Noachide Groups on Yahoo.
Here is the Belt Testing for Black in Hell. If you can beat the Devil you get promoted lol.
hardheadjarhead said:
Check this out...we're all going to HELL!!!
What a bunch of wing nuts!
It's unfortunate that such people put a 'face' like this on a fine religion.
OH well. All faiths have'm.
Here's a couple of very thought provoking papers on this subject, it's put out by the "Christian Research Institute"...I liked their final conclusions.

check'm out, pretty interesting I think.

Your Brother
Wing nuts indeed; ignorance, stupidity and fear knows no bounds. The "shall not judge" reference was an excellent one. How about the most important?

Love your neighbor as you love yourself.

And long before I personally discarded organized religion after a decades long search for a social pathway to God, I had a Southern Baptist Pastor tell me "Prayer is when you are talking to God. Meditation is when you quiet your mind and listen to God."
what a bunch of weirdos! (the ones who wrote those articles) i'm the music director for our church so i guess i should turn in my position and drive myself to hell!;)
they probably provoked someone on a bad day(a martial artist) and got beat up for it(by a martial artist) and never got over it...............
Bammx2 said:
they probably provoked someone on a bad day(a martial artist) and got beat up for it(by a martial artist) and never got over it...............

I think it's more fear of the unknown - and of thinking for oneself. It's so much easier for some people to be told what they should do and should think. Independent thought requires, well, thought.

This is how wars start. KT
Trent said:
Wing nuts indeed; ignorance, stupidity and fear knows no bounds. The "shall not judge" reference was an excellent one. How about the most important?

Love your neighbor as you love yourself.

And long before I personally discarded organized religion after a decades long search for a social pathway to God, I had a Southern Baptist Pastor tell me "Prayer is when you are talking to God. Meditation is when you quiet your mind and listen to God."
I really like that. I really, really like that. No wonder they don't want to meditate - too busy talkin'.
This site is nearly as funny as "Evil-Exposed" was. Once upon a time at martialtalk, someone posted a link to, and then the site crashed hours afterward. I think they couldn't handle all the traffic from us. It's a pity, that site was hopelessly funny. They not only ranted about the evils of martial arts, but also of pokemon, and various children's cartoons.

Idiots are fun, aren't they?
hold on...i think i'm in the spirit world.... of these days i'll get there...if i even knew what the hell...and i can say hell cause i guess i'm going there anyways...

i wonder if they allow t-shirts when you're training in hell, instead of gi/doboks...considering it's so hot...
lonecoyote said:
I wonder what belt testing will be like in hell. Do we get neat patches? Is there a black belt club?

I would imagine that it would be very high cost, intolerable testing conditions, but ultimately, you can work your way up to 10th DAN, whereas you create your own hell dojo(dojang).

All DAN certificates of course must be signed by Lucifer himself.
Tkang_TKD said:
I would imagine that it would be very high cost, intolerable testing conditions, but ultimately, you can work your way up to 10th DAN, whereas you create your own hell dojo(dojang).

All DAN certificates of course must be signed by Lucifer himself.
actually...after thinking about it...i think hell would be a that's scary....

spending an eternity with 14 year old 4th dans...

I'm going to Hell for practicing martial arts?! Whew! that's a relief,I though I was going for all the other things I've done!
p.s. some of these responses trying to decide what training in hell would be like...and it got me thinking...what's everyone's "training session from hell"...i've started a new thread under general martial arts..."worst training session ever"
I guess that makes me "doubly doomed" being a yoga instructor and kenpoist, wow i guess i won't have to turn up the heat my classes anymore!!!!! This is as bad as the yogis that tell me i violate ahimsa "non-violence" by practicing martial arts. I tell them the story of the monk, the snake and the villagers, and that usually shuts their pie holes!!!!

Good Journey (to hell)

Kenpo Mama :ultracool
Oh no!! Well........if I practice "Heavenly Ascent" really really hard and with much determination until the end of my days, can I change my fate and still go to Heaven?!! :idunno: :uhyeah:
I am triple doomed. I am martial artist, have tattoos and am a police officer, and everyone knows that they beat people up and train to kill them. My wife is going to hell too I guess, after all, she is also a martial artist and tattoo'ed. Everyone knows, after all, that it is our outward appearance and practices that send us to hell, not our hearts.

These extremists really annoy me. They would probably tell me that my wife and I are not "right with God." I'm a Christian, and my wife is a pastor. Christianity is not supposed to be about religion. It's supposed to be about a personal walk with God. I could rant about this for awhile, but I just try to live by the 2 primary teachings of Jesus.
1- Love the Lord with all your heart and mind and soul.
2- Love your neighbor as yourself.
After that, everything kinda falls into its own place.

I think that people like that are 1) afraid of what they don't understand which is funny in a way. Honestly, who can truely understand God? 2) They don't bother researching anything, so they can't be wrong. It is easier to speak out of ignorance and judge people than to actually use our God given intellect to research and decide for ourselves.

It also reminds me of an article from "The Onion". It was about how the 9/11 hijackers (extremists) were really surprised that they were in hell.

I'll get off my soapbox now. :soapbox:

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