Martial Artists and Drinking!

Matt Stone said:
That would have been helpful information before hand... In the US it is very simple - if you are underage, you don't drink. Period.

First, that was a joke... :uhyeah: Second, if he does TKD, I'm not quite sure what that makes him... Third, that was a joke, too. :uhyeah:
LOL, now i get it:uhyeah:
Yeah they should introduce that law in Britain, Sorry I didn't say that I was here before:CTF:

It is necessary to drink alcohol and pursue other fun human activities. The art (i.e. karate) of someone who is too serious has no "flavour." ---Choki Motubu

I agree with this whole heartedly---Danjo
Matt Stone said:
That would have been helpful information before hand... In the US it is very simple - if you are underage, you don't drink. Period.

Well considering all drinking laws are made on a state by state basis I doubt all 50 of them are identical and its not that simple.
Corporal Hicks said:
Dont you think drinking can show lack of self control though? Doesn't show much for your inner spirit?
Drinking, by itself, wouldn't necessarily a lack of self control. Drinking irresponsibily (in conjuction with activities where the altered state of mind can cause injury or death for example) would definitely be a demonstration of a lack.
#2 for me, i just drink on special ocasions and i try not to make them up as i go ;)
Corporal Hicks said:
Dont you think drinking can show lack of self control though? Doesn't show much for your inner spirit?

I think that "drinking in excess" can demonstrate lack of control.
#2 for me.

which also brings up an intersting topic. Because I do have the occasional drink and, every so often get drunk, my original instructor and I would sometimes go spar and work techniques after getting a good buzz going. We always felt that the times we were most likely to get into a confrontation, if at all, were when we were out at the bars. We both enjoyed going for drinks and shooting pool fairly regulary (once a week) and sometimes we would actually get drunk as a result (but not always). We decided since we were putting ourselves into a situation that our judgement might be impared not to mention others who use alcohol as liquide courage that this increased our odds of having to defend ourselves. It made sense to train while somewhat intoxicated. Let me tell you it is a whole other level of defense and one that I feel that everyone should practice if they, with any regularity whether it be once a day, once a week or once a month, get intoxicated. I should add that the only time I got into a bar confrontation was when I first started training in Kenpo (I think I was a Yellow or Orange bellt) I was not intoxicated and it was my friend who started the fight with some guy. All I did was keep that guys buddy from joining in the brawl. I feel that training while intoxicated did two things. It let me know what my limitations were when my balance and judgement were astray and it helped me realize that it is probably even more important to attempt fighting in that state. This may be the reason that I never really have had the need to.

Mike Miller UKF
This would have been an intresting poll and great topic Throw some reputation points to the author. I classify my self somewhere around a 2 to 3. Here is the reason. We have a Kenpo party at my house once a month (We only have 6 adult students). I usually get a case of micro brew and we will pound each other for a couple of hours then we will sit back talk story and have a couple of beers. Then the let overs will littererlly sit in my fridge until the next party.

OOPS That second to last line should read "it is probably even more important to "not" attempt fighting while in that state.

It has been 12 years since I had a drink. I have only been studying Martial Arts for a bit more than 3 years.

However, then, I only drank to excess. Also, I only drank on days ending in "Y".

I loved being 'on the edge' ... that point where you are high, but can still shoot a decent game of pool. Once you get there, you just have to moderate the alcohol intake, and you can ride that edge for days...... That is the best.

Of course, not going over the edge is the challenge. And, as many the drunk can tell you, it is when you stop putting the alcohol into your body that everything falls apart.

I miss it every day. But, I am not going back today.

3, but used to be 1. It's dangerous to walk around with that warm, friendly feeling when in fact you may not be among friends. I walked out the back door of a bar in oklahoma city on my way home, feeling good , happy and buzzed. Waiting for me was a guy I had words with a couple of weeks before. I reached out to shake hands and make amends and he hit me with a crisp short combination right up the middle that had me out on my feet. he kept coming up the middle, so I v stepped and hooked and we eventually went to the ground but I got the worst of it. I got serious about my shape and training and have been sober for over 4 years.
I have gone out to dinner with students of mine, but never gotten drunk with them. That's not the kind of relationship we have. Same thing with myself and other Instructors. We socialize, but do not get drunk together. Now, black belts I came up with is different. We understand each other, and have traded techniques just to test each other's reactions on occasion.
However, our GM has gotten us drunk in the past to test us. Not physically, he wanted to see what kind of character we displayed under the influence. If, while drunk, we started bad mouthing other members of the Organization and making rude comments, he knew to be wary of us. This is a classic Tae Kwon Do method of testing your student's character.
Hmm...I suppose I'd say 1.5??? My husband and I make our own wine, organic and made without perservatives, sulfites, additives, etcetera and we do so to enjoy the health benefits of sensible wine consumption. Both of us prone to cancer and heart disease, we imbibe in small amounts to lower our bad cholesterol. The homemade wine doesn't leave us with headaches, either.

I don't tie one on on Friday or any other day, don't even always drink on special occasions or socially - most of the time that I do have some wine, it is with my dinner or thereafter. Oh yeah, and also when someone reaches brown or above and they are 21+, I buy them one shot of Cuervo Gold and shoot one in their that a 2, then? :cheers: :barf:
I don't think anyone will really admit to a #1. Hello. . . my name is Ron and was a #1 for 6 years. *Everyone "Hi Ron!"* Since I graduated I have the same outlook as Letch, that the hangovers become less reasonable compared to the good times. The other big issue is cash and distance. When I was at school I had no real bills, rent, ect. and I could walk to 17 different bars, now I have to drive and that is a problem. So now I'm a #2 and probly better for it.

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