Afghan Civilians Slaughtered By U.S. Troops

The problem in the West is that we've stopped viewing these events with any sort of reason. Cause and effect doesn't exist. We can't look at generations of mistreatment as an answer as to why certain people hate us, we've got to make it about something else. It's their religion, it's their race, it's anything else but the economic truth of how our system has been running.

Instead, we turn them into terrorists and dehumanize them further, which leads to more mistreatment, more radicalization, and more retaliation. The only winners are the people who profit off the conflict. And those people also control the information and the narrative.

Whilst there is truth to this, what also has to be seen, as Tez has been saying, is that there are political forces at play in the countries in question that, like political forces everywhere, will use any tool they can lay their hands on to further their interests. It is easy to demonise the motives of a large economic power seemingly riding rough-shod over the indigenous 'players' of a smaller country but it is not always the case that the 'bad guy' is the big one.

In Africa and Arabia the real problems arose because of the actions of Empires drawing lines on the map to divide up areas of influence with no regard to the tribal cultures that forced together. When the strong hand was lifted as the Imperial wave receded then all hell broke loose and is still doing so. The most stark example of this is South Africa - no naughty American 'Empire' sticking it's nose in there but the country is still disintegrating with the removal of a strong government and the coming of a tribal leader to seemingly democratic power. I don't know whether President Zuma is an evil and corrupt man, for I don't know him, but his government is presiding over corruption and tribal partisanship that is, in the end, breaking his country. Why? Because he sees himself as Zulu first and South African last (if at all). The feeling is that once Mandela dies then SA will either explode or implode as it is only his presence, even when now not in direct power, that is keeping the lid on.
The problem in the West is that we've stopped viewing these events with any sort of reason. Cause and effect doesn't exist. We can't look at generations of mistreatment as an answer as to why certain people hate us, we've got to make it about something else. It's there religion, it's there race, it's anything else but the economic truth of how our system has been running.

Instead, we turn them into terrorists and dehumanize them further, which leads to more mistreatment, more radicalization, and more retaliation. The only winners are the people who profit off the conflict. And those people also control the information and the narrative.

My countrymen aren't telling me this story about what is going on in afghanistan. The MSM is a multinational corporation with an agenda that

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I do wish you'd stop talking for the rest of us, you can't talk for the West you can only talk for yourself. You don't know how the people in the UK think never mind how people in Europe so making sweeping statements like 'we in the West' doesn't wash it. Speak for yourself by all means, don't include all the rest of us.
I do wish you'd stop talking for the rest of us, you can't talk for the West you can only talk for yourself. You don't know how the people in the UK think never mind how people in Europe so making sweeping statements like 'we in the West' doesn't wash it. Speak for yourself by all means, don't include all the rest of us.

As of this point, our governments seem to be joined at the hip in our foreign policy. The citizens may feel differently, but our governments are choosing to march together. It's the Anglo-American empire that's moving and that's what I'm talking about.
Whilst there is truth to this, what also has to be seen, as Tez has been saying, is that there are political forces at play in the countries in question that, like political forces everywhere, will use any tool they can lay their hands on to further their interests. It is easy to demonise the motives of a large economic power seemingly riding rough-shod over the indigenous 'players' of a smaller country but it is not always the case that the 'bad guy' is the big one.

In Africa and Arabia the real problems arose because of the actions of Empires drawing lines on the map to divide up areas of influence with no regard to the tribal cultures that forced together. When the strong hand was lifted as the Imperial wave receded then all hell broke loose and is still doing so. The most stark example of this is South Africa - no naughty American 'Empire' sticking it's nose in there but the country is still disintegrating with the removal of a strong government and the coming of a tribal leader to seemingly democratic power. I don't know whether President Zuma is an evil and corrupt man, for I don't know him, but his government is presiding over corruption and tribal partisanship that is, in the end, breaking his country. Why? Because he sees himself as Zulu first and South African last (if at all). The feeling is that once Mandela dies then SA will either explode or implode as it is only his presence, even when now not in direct power, that is keeping the lid on.

Could it also be viewed as economic interests cashing in the chaos that previous empires caused? Could one also see the actions of a new imperial power clamping down on these far flung places and causing more future problems?

Wouldn't Ron Paul's strategy of pulling back and letting the people sort out how they want to live be the best solution? Especially, if all of the intervention really is the cause of the chaos in the first place?

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