Senior Master
No, you didn't. The link you posted was an article on one of Bill's more publicized speeches-where he said a lot of things about black culture, and nothing about affirmative action.
Like I said...swiss cheese. Time for the weekend and rechargin' the old batteries.
First off, even if we accept all of that, there's a big chicken-and-egg issue. Second--and more important--so what? Do we work to address the issues, or ignore them?
You don't ignore it, but you don't fix a wrong with more wrongs. Or maybe you do, but I don't. It goes against my core values and what I percieve as right and wrong.
I'm against war, but if someone wages war on us...sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. It's unfortunate but it isn't hypocritical to say that now that we're in this mess, this may be the best way out.
Who's waging war on you? There are legal actions you can take if you feel you've been discriminated against.
Defending yourself is one thing, it's completely different if you blindside some poor schmuck on the street because somebody else did you wrong.
Take that! :whip: What the heck did I do!?!?!
Um...Nothing really...:lookie:
But you see...this other guy kicked me in the nutz earlier today. :btg:
And I just thought of it and since you were here I decided to take out my anger on you even though you personally didn't do anything to me.

WTF! :idunno:
But if AA could get things to where the percentage of people at various income levels matched their percentage of the population, it'd ease a lot of racial tensions. There'd be other problems, but that one would be much better.
If a frog had wings...
Affirmative Action simply doesn't work and only perpetuates the problem. You can't have a solution that creates the same problem. Discrimination is discrimination is discrimination is discrimination. More discrimination ain't gonna change that.
By that logic we could solve our dependence on oil by using more oil.