Affirmative action, yes or no?

Does Affirmative Action work?

  • Yes it works to help raise up underpriveledged minorities.

  • No, it doesn't work to help raise up underpriveledged minorities.

  • I'm not sure.

  • I don't care.

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oh dont even get me started on stupid celebrity kids names.....

but you see, here is ONE difference, those kids are born RICH

when you are rich, you are just eccentric.......

Hmm... Hell did not freeze over, did it?
Against all odds, I find myself in total, 100% agreement with you.
But AA is one way of affecting moving some minorities up into a higher income level than they might otherwise have achieved. Granted, it's not the most direct way possible. Texas has an interesting idea...roughly, if your property values are above the average, half of the extra tax money you raise for the schools goes to your schools, and the other half goes to a statewide fund for the poorer schools. It's s step in the right direction...

Detract and distract; AA only further divides people. In the end, it does not help the whole though they would like you to believe that. Anything that sows more seeds of division simply contradicts any claim for unity and equality.

Focusing on the whole; however, Education seems to have the best chance of having the most permanent, productive, and positive result.

It's natural to want to change the world overnight, but quick fixes never lead to lasting results, ever.

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