Affirmative action, yes or no?

Does Affirmative Action work?

  • Yes it works to help raise up underpriveledged minorities.

  • No, it doesn't work to help raise up underpriveledged minorities.

  • I'm not sure.

  • I don't care.

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He's also got a PhD in Psychology.

Point taken. I'll make you a cape. :)

Actually, Bill has a doctorate in education, which is an EdD. So no "psychology," and he has no "PhD" per se........(they're both doctorates, of course, but....)

No Capes!!!


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Actually, Bill has a doctorate in education, which is an EdD. So no "psychology," and he has no "PhD" per se........(they're both doctorates, of course, but....)

No Capes!!!

I stand corrected. Point is he's educated and pretty much did it on his own paying for it by tending bar before breaking into comedy and acting. Even though he was successful, he still persued his education to better himself.
I stand corrected. Point is he's educated and pretty much did it on his own paying for it by tending bar before breaking into comedy and acting. Even though he was successful, he still persued his education to better himself.
I do appreciate his attitude; however, there are a lot of African Americans that don't share his opinion. They feel society has wronged them not only in the past, but today. Just as with some white parents, many black families badmouth the status quo and there children then share that opinion. AA is an attempt to reverse that cycle.
I stand corrected. Point is he's educated and pretty much did it on his own paying for it by tending bar before breaking into comedy and acting. Even though he was successful, he still persued his education to better himself.

Yeah, but he served in the military, got a GED in the military, and then he got a scholarship for track. And he dropped out to be a comedian and went back to school in the 70's, after he was successful. (I'm thinking about going back to school for nursing or for a PA...hardly counts as "lifting myself up" though-Life is so unfair. :lol: )
I stand corrected. Point is he's educated and pretty much did it on his own paying for it by tending bar before breaking into comedy and acting. .

And I'll pose a question-or two-here, for anyone to answer: what do you suppose his views are on Affirmative Action? What do you suppose the views of Dr. martin Luther King were?
I'm quite sure it leaves a bad taste in his mouth; however, the problem is not solving itself. We can do something about it now or we can sit back and ignore it.
See, in mathematics we consider that a plus.

Yeah, but when working with explosives, lasers, radioactive substances, hazardous chemicals and extremely high voltage electricity-sometimes all at the same time-it's not a plus. It's not even good to have someone like that around other people who work with those things.....:lol:
Vets get 10 preference points added in consideration for all federal employment. You don't have to "ask for it," just let them know that you're a vet. Not begrudging it, just pointing out the inherent unfairness that someone who demonstrates that they're more qualified gets discriminated against because they're not a vet. Life is unfair.
It's possible for me to be a vet. It's not possible for me to be black. To make the choice to serve your country and put your life on the line is completely different than been BORN into a race.

It seems to me that all whites are being punished for enslaving blacks. The truth is, that when all that was going on, my family were peasants working the lands for British aristocrats in Ireland. I can't explain that to certain employers and educational institutions, they would laugh me out of the park. "Sir, I know I'm not black, but I was born without 2 pennys to rub together. My Dad moved to England when he was 15 and because he was Irish was discriminated against when it came to finding a job. Apparently they didn't want an idiot 'Paddy' in there midst. He ended up leaving me and my alcoholic, manic depressive Mum to fend for ourselves, in the **** hole council estates of West Yorkshire. Will AA apply to me? I could do with a helping hand".

We all have our problems and nobody cares, especially employers. Most employers want somebody who, knows the job, is qualified to do it, is pleasant to deal with and who puts work before self.

Again, AA causes resentment when it comes to race, gender and ethnicity.
It's possible for me to be a vet. It's not possible for me to be black. To make the choice to serve your country and put your life on the line is completely different than been BORN into a race.

It seems to me that all whites are being punished for enslaving blacks. The truth is, that when all that was going on, my family were peasants working the lands for British aristocrats in Ireland. I can't explain that to certain employers and educational institutions, they would laugh me out of the park. "Sir, I know I'm not black, but I was born without 2 pennys to rub together. My Dad moved to England when he was 15 and because he was Irish was discriminated against when it came to finding a job. Apparently they didn't want an idiot 'Paddy' in there midst. He ended up leaving me and my alcoholic, manic depressive Mum to fend for ourselves, in the **** hole council estates of West Yorkshire. Will AA apply to me? I could do with a helping hand".

We all have our problems and nobody cares, especially employers. Most employers want somebody who, knows the job, is qualified to do it, is pleasant to deal with and who puts work before self.

Again, AA causes resentment when it comes to race, gender and ethnicity.
As a whole; however, white society is doing fine; and; as a whole black society is not doing fine. Resentment is the least of Black societies worries.
Again, AA causes resentment when it comes to race, gender and ethnicity.

Life is soooo unfair, isn't it?

And, just so it doesn't get lost, I'll repeat my questions about Bill Cosby and Dr. King:

And I'll pose a question-or two-here, for anyone to answer: what do you suppose his views are on Affirmative Action? What do you suppose the views of Dr. martin Luther King were?
As a whole; however, white society is doing fine; and; as a whole black society is not doing fine. Resentment is the least of Black societies worries.
That may be so, but black society's worries are largely self created. If you are refering to the "whole" of black society, then you have to concede that Black society as a whole has been infiltrated with the meme of victimhood. When you have leaders like Sharpton and Jackson screaming entitlements and Blacks marching to protest the killing of a rapist and cop killer in Oakland there is something wrong. When you have a hip hop/rap culture that is violent and demeaning to women and the faces of these 'artistes' by and large are black, there is something wrong. the change has to come from within the community.
And I'll pose a question-or two-here, for anyone to answer: what do you suppose his views are on Affirmative Action? What do you suppose the views of Dr. martin Luther King were?

I thought I posted a link further back... I brain is swiss cheese by this time of the week. LOL

I'm quite sure it leaves a bad taste in his mouth; however, the problem is not solving itself. We can do something about it now or we can sit back and ignore it.

Just because a gas can is sitting next to the fire and you can't find a bucket of water is no execuse to throw the gas on the fire.

Do something? Absolutely! Do something to make the matter worse while at the same time compromising the very ethic you claim to endorse? Absolutely not!

As a whole; however, white society is doing fine; and; as a whole black society is not doing fine. Resentment is the least of Black societies worries.

Really? I think that's more opinion than fact. It's like saying that it's discriminatory that over 60% of the people in jail in Atlanta are black. Well, over 60% of the population of Atlanta is black. I guess that's one area where AA doesn't apply, eh? :rolleyes:

At any rate, we all know that life's not fair. :deadhorse lol

Life's what you make of it. Everyone, regardless of race has their individual and unique problems to overcome. Life's not glad you no longer have to worry about saber toothed tigers pouncing on you and eating you or dying from infection caused by a small cut.

I simply don't buy into showing favortism to any particular group based on skin color whether it's white, brown, black, yellow, red, purple, green, orange, pink, teal, etc, etc, etc. I don't expect it to be given to me and I certainly will not give it to another. IMHO I think it's demeaning as stated by Elder earlier.

It's illogical and hypocritical to say you are against racial discrimination but endorse Affirmative Action. It baffles me how that simple fact seems to elude some. :idunno:

What can we do? How about starting with living by the motto that a little respect goes a long way? Preach it, live it, spread it. Regardless, nothing's going to change over night. However, the further you go in the wrong direction the longer it takes to get back...if'n ya know what I mean.
I thought I posted a link further back... I brain is swiss cheese by this time of the week. LOL .

No, you didn't. The link you posted was an article on one of Bill's more publicized speeches-where he said a lot of things about black culture, and nothing about affirmative action.
We all have our problems and nobody cares, especially employers. Most employers want somebody who, knows the job, is qualified to do it, is pleasant to deal with and who puts work before self.

Those just aren't the facts. If that were so, we wouldn't have AA. It's patently false that racial (and gender) discrimination doesn't exist. We haven't even talked about the gender-based pay gap...job discrimination is for real.

Again, AA causes resentment when it comes to race, gender and ethnicity.

Agreed. African-American poverty causes resentment too.

As a whole; however, white society is doing fine; and; as a whole black society is not doing fine. Resentment is the least of Black societies worries.

That may be so, but black society's worries are largely self created. If you are refering to the "whole" of black society, then you have to concede that Black society as a whole has been infiltrated with the meme of victimhood. When you have leaders like Sharpton and Jackson screaming entitlements and Blacks marching to protest the killing of a rapist and cop killer in Oakland there is something wrong. When you have a hip hop/rap culture that is violent and demeaning to women and the faces of these 'artistes' by and large are black, there is something wrong. the change has to come from within the community.

First off, even if we accept all of that, there's a big chicken-and-egg issue. Second--and more important--so what? Do we work to address the issues, or ignore them?

It's illogical and hypocritical to say you are against racial discrimination but endorse Affirmative Action. It baffles me how that simple fact seems to elude some.

I'm against war, but if someone wages war on us...sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. It's unfortunate but it isn't hypocritical to say that now that we're in this mess, this may be the best way out.

What can we do? How about starting with living by the motto that a little respect goes a long way? Preach it, live it, spread it. Regardless, nothing's going to change over night. However, the further you go in the wrong direction the longer it takes to get back...if'n ya know what I mean.

But if AA could get things to where the percentage of people at various income levels matched their percentage of the population, it'd ease a lot of racial tensions. There'd be other problems, but that one would be much better.
Yeah, but when working with explosives, lasers, radioactive substances, hazardous chemicals and extremely high voltage electricity-sometimes all at the same time-it's not a plus. It's not even good to have someone like that around other people who work with those things.....:lol:

Don't you need people to test those things on?:idunno:

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