Accepting rank


Orange Belt
Ive recently moved and have been looking into some kenpo schools. My kenpo style is a blend of 85% EPAK and Tracys. Several schools will not accept my rank (2nd Black)with out even asking to see what I know. What do you do when accepting a new student.
You should wear it! I think they should at least see how much of their curriculum that you know and go from there.

At the kenpo school I go to you would be allowed to wear it, but I know my instructor is going to put you through the paces and see what you know.

Several schools will not accept my rank (2nd Black)with out even asking to see what I know. What do you do when accepting a new student.

I'm not sure if I'm interpreting this right, because I certainly wouldn't accept your rank without seeing what you know. Actually our policy is to let people keep their old rank, but usually after a couple of months they start wearing the rank they earned with us. On the other hand, alot of previous black belts drop out because they get embarrassed by being beat on by one of our underbelts.

I would recommend that if you are going to go full time at a new school, slap on a white belt for a while, and see how it goes. The school may be more open to your rank if you show you can hang with the ranked guys in the school. During this time the rest of the school gets to see your abilities, and it will be less of a shock should the studio head choose to accept your rank. If you are 85% EPAK and you are at an EPAK school, then you should advance pretty rapidly even if your old rank wasn't accepted.

I personally will let anyone wear what ever rank they are currently certified for. I let them know that I will not promote them or recommend them for promotion until they are at what I deem to be acceptable standards.
Originally posted by Seig

I personally will let anyone wear what ever rank they are currently certified for. I let them know that I will not promote them or recommend them for promotion until they are at what I deem to be acceptable standards.

This is pretty much standard at most schools I've ever attended, and it is what I do at mine. But sometimes I look at them and say ....


On a similar note, what's the etiquette for visiting a school of another style? I only ask because we've had people come to our school for a few lessons who've done other styles, and many have paraded around in black belts. To me, if you walk out of a Shotokan school or wahtever into a Kenpo school, you should really take your belt off.

Amusingly, a couple of the people who've done this had clearly just gone up to the martial arts shop and bought a black belt to wear, they were all stiff with the starch and obviously hadn't been worn before! That gave it away, and also the fact that they were certainly not black belt standard from any art...

Thanks for the replies everyone. I have been practicing martial arts for the past 18 years, 10 in kenpo. I am not looking to gain rank, just that I know how hard I worked at getting the rank that I have now. I moved accross the country and just didn't know what the usually practice was. I can live with a white belt if its the only way I can still train. I have no problem proving myself either. Again thanks for the comments.

Jason - I moved from your area in Ohio.
at my school when i accept a new student i usually run them through a couple of private lessons toget a chance to see what they know. i also usually ask to see their diploma.. if they dont have it thats ok....if they are transfering within the association i belong to, i usually calltheir prvious instructor and then gofrom there.... shawn monday...ltkka/kansas city
Originally posted by ace
Is it the Rank or Knowledge That U seek??

That's a great question Ace!! The flip side is however, that the instructor may want students RANKED UNDER HIM TO EXTEND HIS ASSOCIATION and then let them hopefully come up to standards at a later time.

As for my personal philosophy, I don't want people RANKED under me that don't deserve it just for business purposes so I think I will screen prospective students stronger ....... & I'm gonna use that statement in the future.

Due to Past Experiences.... I have come to realize that MOST "not all" but most will say they want the knowledge but REALLY mean they want the RANK (ANY WAY THAT THEY CAN GET IT).

Any more I feel like saying ......Ok ............ nice belt you have and I cant vouch for what you did or where you got it, but here is a white one till you EARN any rank under me. Again, this is not the way everyone is ......... however I could tell some stories..... better yet....... I'd love to openly test some individuals and quiz them on just what they do know and where they learned it from.

LOL it could prove to be very interesting.

But for now....... I'll just retreat to my personal circle of students and studios that really are dedicated to learning and gaining rank properly and not interested in the rank until truly deserved.

I feel sorry for him. It was a dirty old white belt. The sad thing was that I needed that belt for my grappling class! Ha ha ha! Oh well. I guess until I buy a new one I will go beltless. Luckily for me there is one class each week that is submission and they don't wear gi's. I'll have to go that day until I get a replacement.
Originally posted by GouRonin

I feel sorry for him. It was a dirty old white belt. The sad thing was that I needed that belt for my grappling class! Ha ha ha! Oh well. I guess until I buy a new one I will go beltless. Luckily for me there is one class each week that is submission and they don't wear gi's. I'll have to go that day until I get a replacement.

That wouldn't happen to have been the embroidered white belt that was eaten? You know, the one that gave Dennis all the headaches and heartbreak... Dude, we're gunna have to shoot your dog for destroying a fine peice of Kenpo History.

Here doggy... come here doggy, doggy... where are you? :armed:
Originally posted by WilliamTLear
That wouldn't happen to have been the embroidered white belt that was eaten? You know, the one that gave Dennis all the headaches and heartbreak... Dude, we're gunna have to shoot your dog for destroying a fine peice of Kenpo History.

Yes, it's the same white embroidered belt that Dennis hates so much. I have a feeling that my dog took a bribe from Dennis to do it. I can't get made at him, heck, I would have done the same.

My dog kicks @ss!

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