Wu Shen Pai Kenpo in Vegas?

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Nick Ellis said:
First of all Clyde.... you really must have no life if all you think about from the time you wake up till the time you go to sleep is how to ruin Professor Jones
I will have you know that he doesnt think about you or Larry at all.
and yes when students commit unspeakable acts like going against agreements they signed with the school they get demoted in rank. there have only been 2 students professor has had to do this with and it is also at the approval of the executive board not just him. that is how it was in my old school except my old teacher would do alot worse. he would call them out beat the hell out of them and physically strip them of rank. I have worked hand and hand day in and day out with Professor for about the last year. I see him more than I see my own family. It has been a priviledge and Honor for me to have worked with him. I am glad why prof has done what he did.. the American kenpo community is nothing more than a rotting ses-pool of gossip. Wu shen Pai is about preserving the old ways of honor and integrity. Martial artists who do nothing more than gossip and try to ruin others careers are nothing more than thugs... why is Wu Shen Pai different because we work throws joint locks acupunture and accupressure bone setting Tai chi yang and chang style if you must know and other healing arts. We also teach our students to be respectful and to act with honor. you guys make me sick.. years ago before I even started kenpo I was warned about how you sharks act by my old teacher.

where is the honor in that Clyde.. I don't see it.

there is no way John Sepulveda is going to listen to you or care what you think
and neither is Paul Mills
Philip Porter already gave you his answer..

enough is enough

answer me this your in california and we are in Nevada why should what we do bother you in anyway. if you wanted to run around town in a rainbow colored gi it doesnt effect us. if you wanted to start your own system it doesnt effect us.

ohh and terry kenpo novice if you want to run your mouth then why dont you step in our school and do it. if memory serves me correctly I was there when you were. and you were not highly thought of when you left by any of us that were there that day..

as the new year approaches let bi gones be bi gones worry about your selfs and your training..
peace to all
proud member of the IKKS
Nicholas Ellis MCSE A+
I've PMed you with my phone # so ck your messages. I've also talked to Antoine last night, I've known him for many years you see.

DarK LorD
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