Those 'simple acts of kindness' are not so unusual after all: On August 7th, a gentleman, Mr. Edward Vaughn, who is aged 101 years old, had just attended church and was taking the bus home. He exited his bus but was followed by a 20-something year old thug. As Mr. Vaughn got to his porch, the man who followed him threw Edward to the ground and although he tried to fight back, Mr. Vaughn was no match for the much younger, violent thug. The suspect grabbed Mr. Vaughn's wallet, which had his IDs and $61 in cash, and fled, leaving this 101 YO man battered, scraped and bruised. “Most of the crimes we see are senseless, but throwing a 101-year-old man to the ground is reprehensible,” Lt.. Racine Chaney of the SCMPD Criminal Investigations Division. The Savannah-Chatham Metro Police Detectives began an investigation and are still searching for this suspect ... but in the meantime ... something else, something amazing, happened ...
Five days after this brutal, callous attack, Mr. Edward Vaughn and his son were at their home when they heard a knock at the door. Son Robert answered to find an SCMPD Detective standing there asking to speak with Edward. When Edward came to the door, the Detective handed him a wallet. Now this gentleman may be 101 years old but his mind is still clear and he said thank you to the Detective but told her that that was not his wallet. The female Detective handed Mr. Vaughn the wallet anyway and said "The Lord sent that to you." That is all she said. When Mr. Edward Vaughn opened the wallet, there was $61 inside ...
The Detectives are still searching for this suspect. Please click on link above for description and contact information. Anonymous tip line also available here.