California highway patrol officer brings 71 year old man back to life

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
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A 71 year old man was motoring on the highway when all of a sudden his arms dropped to his side, his head fell back and his vehicle hit the median divider. His panicked but quick thinking wife, who was a passenger, moved her leg over his to try and brake the vehicle as she tried desperately to steer the car to the side of the roadway without hitting anyone or getting hit. She did great and got the car stopped safely, jumped out and attempted to flag any passing motorist down for help .... her husband was having a heart attack ...

A few good Samaritans began to pull over as did another driver ... CHP OFFICER WILL SIMCO, who was running errands on his Saturday afternoon off. Together, the civilians and Ofc. Simco gently carried the gentleman to a grassy area away from the road and Ofc. Simco went into action. Realizing it was, in fact, a heart attack and that the man had stopped breathing, Brother Will gave one good pound to the man's chest. The man made a noise and it gave Ofc. Simco all he needed to work super hard in his following with CPR efforts. Well-trained and ever determined, Will kept at it and the man began breathing a bit. His color was beginning to come back, but still pale, just as the paramedics arrived and took over, then transported ... Alive.

After undergoing treatment and having a pacemaker put in place, Mr. Hank Tuey is doing very well. He and his beloved bride Pam, were able to meet their Highway Angel and couldn't thank him enough. Officer Will Simco received a commendation for his life-saving actions. Our thoughts are with the Tueys. Awesome job getting the vehicle stopped Mrs. T.!!

Another story of how vital our Law Enforcement is out there and that we are there to help ... any person, any place, at any given time. Thank you Officer Simco for representing so well. WAY TO GO WILL!!! A Very special Thank You also to the civilians who stopped to assist and to the paramedics who continued treatment on the way to the hospital and to the hospital staff.
~written by Nessie~

info from CHP:
The survival rate of people who need cpr. het it, yet do not get a difibulator within minutes is around 2%. Those that need cpr and don't get it is 0%. This man can thank his lucky stars that the officer was nearby and willing to get involved, despite the long odds.
It is stories like this one that should spark that glimmer of hope, that mankind is still in the business of helping fellow human beings, when called upon. Great story. :)

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