Real Life Stories of Unsung Heros - 7 Who Made a Difference

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
The following news articles are seven such stories from across the country, all very different and yet, all very much the same ... real-life stories of True Blue Heroes: Please, grab a cup of coffee/tea, sit back and take time to read of these truly amazing Men and Women who represent what we all are about ... (all of which were written in the last 10 days) Then, when you have even more time, be sure to read all the other stories in this album of our Everyday Heroes. ~Nessie~

The Prince George County (MD) Detectives who restored a garden and landscape for a 101 year old woman:

The Monroe County (FL) Deputy who saved the life of a man hell-bent on killing himself, and almost losing his own life in the process:

The Boynton Beach (FL) Detective who tracked down a precious family heirloom guitar that was stolen and then raised money to have it shipped back to it's owner:

The Massachusetts State Troopers who help deliver a baby on the side of the road:

The Chicago (Il) Police Officer who saved the life of a choking baby ... when he just stopped to get gas:,0,7439823.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ChicagoBreakingNews+(Chicago+Breaking+News)

The Trenton (NJ) Detective who made sure three young boys whose mother was just murdered he personally drove around searching for their father, got them safe, raised funds and personal items, not once, but twice, after the home was robbed on top of everything. He continues to look after the boys:

The Michigan State Trooper who, while on vacation, dropped everything she was doing to save the life of a young boy who was drowning:\home\lists\search&id=649315

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