A Brief History of Taekwon-Do by General Choi

Yes there were 7 Koreans that lived abroad during the occupation period for various reasons often related to trying to get access to a better life & future. While outside of Korea, they were also exposed to the martial arts. These 7 men played a role in either opening or teaching at the 5 original kwans & the ODK or what I call the early kwans.

It was eight, not seven: 1) GM LEE Won Kuk; 2) GM CHUN Sang Sup; 3) GM YOON Byung In; 4) GM RO Byung Jick; 5) GM HWANG Kee; 6) General Choi; 7) Dr. YOON Kwe Byung; and 8) GM KIM Ki Whang. GM KIM Ki Whang taught at Moo Duk Kwan GM HONG Chong Soo's dojang and also was an influence on the Kang Duk Won's GM PARK Chull Hee.
I think it's good.

So you think it's good that juniors simply insult or belittle their seniors? That's is an interesting position from someone who claims that it isn't up to the junior to decide whether or not the senior is worthy of respect :lol:

My direct seniors all say that I am a very good junior. :)

That's interesting, I have been told the opposite by some pretty high ranking people. Well, I suppose it all depends on who you believe :lol:

If I wasn't a good junior, then I wouldn't gain access to the type of information that I have access to.

If you say so, although you've stated that some of what you have supposedlly been told was simply the result of you asking questions that others didn't think to ask. What that has to do with being a good junior is anybody's guess.

As for disrespecting General Choi, I understand that is your belief.

Oh, that's not a matter of belief, at all, Glenn. Surely someone as proud of their high school SAT score as you should know that :lol:

However, I think Harry Truman said it best: "I never did give anybody hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell." Similarly, I never did disrespect General Choi. I just told the truth, and you thought it was disrespect.

So, it's OK to disrespect someone if your senior says it's OK, then? "Truly you have a dizzying intellect" ;)

Pax brother,

Cut the crap out. Drop the personal shots and sniping. Bring the discussion back on track.

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