...seven koreans, six kwans, giving credit to General Choi, nasty korean politics, etc...
Yes there were 7 Koreans that lived abroad during the occupation period for various reasons often related to trying to get access to a better life & future. While outside of Korea, they were also exposed to the martial arts. These 7 men played a role in either opening or teaching at the 5 original kwans & the ODK or what I call the early kwans.
(I am sure that there were more Koreans, but they were not really involved in TKD, they were Hapkido, etc, so no need to add confusion by listing them)
While Gen choi deserves some credit, as do many others, for his involvement in the early days of the formative years, he also was someone who fought the Kukki TKD & Olympic movement, so he not only does not deserve any credit for that, it should be recorded in history how he was a negative influence & was hated by some for it. This is history, as well as what he did, along with his team that gave the world Chang Hon TKD, which of course was already being developed, recorded & spread around the world before the KtkdA (1965), KKW (1972) & WTF (1973) were even formed. This is history & it should be recorded & those that made it happen & spread it around the world should be credited & thanked in some fashion, as it happened. To deny it is beyond silly & implies some sort of partisanship. Let me restate yet again, the credit is not limited to Gen Choi, there are many, maybe even countless, that deserve credit & thanks. I for one am more interested in raising the count, not limiting it or ignoring it. TKD history has all too often done that, with self serving versions & myths about 2,000 years ago. TKD is a 20th century creation, that of course has influences from aspects of Korean culture which can go back some centuries.
While many TKD students may not be interested in history, even the history of their TKD, maybe even less are interested in Korean politics or the larger geo-political arena that TKD developed in. Please just look at Eygpt & Tunisia today. They give us prime examples of how nasty politics effect almost all aspects of how the people live under their govts. All one has to do is read about how Korea evolved into its 21st century version to see how lives, events & aspects of their lives & lives were affected. To not see how this shaped both TKD & its leaders in both positive & negative ways, is simply not looking at a more larger scope & more of the picture.
Few things that I am aware of develop or take place in a vacuum.