9/11--Was it an inside job?

Was 9/11 an inside job?

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plausible only if you want it to be

that is the real questionm why do you want this cock brained BS story to be true

why do you refuse to consider self evident truths?

why do you want to believe the government did this despite a literal mountain of facts that prove yout o be not only wrong but deluded as well?

why do you crave this BS to be true?
plausible only if you want it to be

that is the real questionm why do you want this cock brained BS story to be true

why do you refuse to consider self evident truths?

why do you want to believe the government did this despite a literal mountain of facts that prove yout o be not only wrong but deluded as well?

why do you crave this BS to be true?

Because the so called BS, is pointing out the glaring holes in the FEMA version of the story.

Many eye witness accounts and third party un-government funded research groups have clearly pointed this out.
Cameras captured planes crashing in the buildings.

Ask LEOs about eye witnesses. Most eye witnesses could not pick out a clown in a linup of penguins.
Cameras captured planes crashing in the buildings.

Ask LEOs about eye witnesses. Most eye witnesses could not pick out a clown in a linup of penguins.
Because the so called BS, is pointing out the glaring holes in the FEMA version of the story.

Many eye witness accounts and third party un-government funded research groups have clearly pointed this out.

glaring holes in one person's argument doesn't fill glaring holes in another person's argument.
there are no glaring holes

there was no thermite, and thermite isnt used to take down buildings anyway

WTC 7 fell because it was on fire from internal diesel fuel lines and half way torn down from debris hitting it, not from controlled demo

dozens of eye witnesses saw the plane hit the pentagon

millions saw teh planes hit the towers, there was no controlled demo

your entire story is crap
there are no glaring holes

there was no thermite, and thermite isnt used to take down buildings anyway

WTC 7 fell because it was on fire from internal diesel fuel lines and half way torn down from debris hitting it, not from controlled demo

dozens of eye witnesses saw the plane hit the pentagon

millions saw teh planes hit the towers, there was no controlled demo

your entire story is crap

I doubt the story FEMA offers..I doubt the 9/11 commission report...and I doubt what any politician has to say. Find me evidence from another party besides something that is government funded.
I doubt the story FEMA offers..I doubt the 9/11 commission report...and I doubt what any politician has to say. Find me evidence from another party besides something that is government funded.
Popular mechanics did a HUGE article debunking all this idiocy, SEVEN AND A HALF YEARS AGO. I quoted from it and linked to it on the first page of this thread.
Popular Mechanics is NOT government funded...
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many conspiracy advocates demonstrate a maddening double standard. They distrust every bit of the mainstream account of 9/11, yet happily embrace the flimsiest evidence to promote their wildest notions: that Osama bin Laden attacked the United States with help from the CIA;

Aint THAT the truth?
I doubt the story FEMA offers..I doubt the 9/11 commission report...and I doubt what any politician has to say. Find me evidence from another party besides something that is government funded.

THe same holds true for the nonsense you're selling: find me evidence of an alternate scenario.

THere John, now I sound like an atheist....:lfao:
... the No Missile Defences at the Pentagon one caught my eye - if true that really surprises me.

What goes up must come down...

Look at any map of the area around Washington, DC. Where would you want a blown up aircraft falling? What about an anti-aircraft missile that misses? Where is it going to go?

Don't know about you, Sukerkin, but I'm not all that keen on either miscellaneous plane parts or falling ordinance landing in my backyard... ;)
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What goes up must come down...

Look at any map of the area around Washington, DC. Where would you want a blown up aircraft falling? What about an anti-aircraft missile that misses? Where is it going to go.

Don't know about you, Sukerkin, but I'm not all that keen on either miscellaneous plane parts or falling ordinance landing in my backyard... ;)

Not to mention it's close proximity to a major airport. How would you like to be landing there knowing you were being tracked by automatic AAA?
THe same holds true for the nonsense you're selling: find me evidence of an alternate scenario.

THere John, now I sound like an atheist....:lfao:

Nice. Now we are getting somewhere!

Imagine a story in which over 99% of the physical evidence was destroyed before it could be analyzed. Now, imagine that this evidence was collected, after an effort to "clean up" had begun. Now, imagine that the physical evidence that was collected, was actually collected by a group of people who did not perform the analysis. How much faith would you have in that story?

How could you say, with any certainty, that you KNOW what happened?
How could you say, with any certainty, that you KNOW what happened?

I saw the story's genesis, again and again, on video, with my own two eyes-many, many, many people that I trust saw it unfold on live television. I have eyewitness testimony. I have fairly extensive-in spite of your dismissal of it-analysis of what evidence there was, but what evidence there was needs n o analysis: we have the eyewitnesses, the testimony of those on the ground, and video that tell us that planes flew into the goddam buildings, and they fell, damaging WTC, which collapsed from subsequent fire damage.

Your arguments are really obtuse-acceptable philosophically, perhaps, but all of America has the evidence of their senses.C'mon.:rolleyes:
What goes up must come down...

Look at any map of the area around Washington, DC. Where would you want a blown up aircraft falling? What about an anti-aircraft missile that misses? Where is it going to go.

Don't know about you, Sukerkin, but I'm not all that keen on either miscellaneous plane parts or falling ordinance landing in my backyard... ;)

I quite agree, my friend - it's just that, whilst I might not be a rabid conpsiracy theorist, I don't put much stock in a government actually caring about that aspect when it came to defending a primary military asset. Hence, my surprise in the assertion that there are no missile defences around the Pentagon.

I can see the rationale and concur as a person; I just don't find that governments work with the same scale of values.
I saw the story's genesis, again and again, on video, with my own two eyes-many, many, many people that I trust saw it unfold on live television. I have eyewitness testimony. I have fairly extensive-in spite of your dismissal of it-analysis of what evidence there was, but what evidence there was needs n o analysis: we have the eyewitnesses, the testimony of those on the ground, and video that tell us that planes flew into the goddam buildings, and they fell, damaging WTC, which collapsed from subsequent fire damage.

Your arguments are really obtuse-acceptable philosophically, perhaps, but all of America has the evidence of their senses.C'mon.:rolleyes:

At one point in time in my waste of time arguing this, I was told that it was too complicated to simply look at it and draw conclusions. Now, I'm told that's its so simple anyone can understand what happened.

A simple philosophic standard invalidated the whole thing because the argument is obtusely not valid. To be fair, there are no competing theories that have better evidence and if there was this same argument would be leveled at them. Hell, I could hurl this argument at the controlled demo argument as well.

What strikes me about this debate now is peoples willingness to grasp at unreason for intrinsic reasons. I'm a hypocrite, I know and until I admitted I could be wrong about it at all, I couldn't see this simple philosophic test.

We don't know what happened. There is no valid explanation. It's a shame that I've wasted my activist creds on conspiracy theory. This realization would have saved me a lot of time.
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At one point in time in my waste of time arguing this, I was told that it was too complicated to simply look at it and draw conclusions. Now, I'm told that's its so simple anyone can understand what happened.

A simple philosophic standard invalidated the whole thing because the argument is obtusely not valid. To be fair, there are no competing theories that have better evidence and if there was this same argument would be leveled at them. Hell, I could hurl this argument at the controlled demo argument as well.

What strikes me about this debate now is peoples willingness to grasp at unreason for intrinsic reasons. I'm a hypocrite, I know and until I admitted I could be wrong about it at all, I couldn't see this simple philosophic test.

We don't know what happened. There is no valid explanation. It's a shame that I've wasted my activist creds on conspiracy theory. This realization would have saved me a lot of time.


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Nice. Now we are getting somewhere!

Imagine a story in which over 99% of the physical evidence was destroyed before it could be analyzed. Now, imagine that this evidence was collected, after an effort to "clean up" had begun. Now, imagine that the physical evidence that was collected, was actually collected by a group of people who did not perform the analysis. How much faith would you have in that story?

How could you say, with any certainty, that you KNOW what happened?

And the doubt still looms..

oh and also, i don't believe Osama was behind it...he was a patsy.
The idea that a plane would hit a major skyscraper, in a pre arranged way, so that carefully positioned explosives could then bring it down in a controlled manner....with no one involved saying anything 10 years later....is unlikely.
Highly improbable.


The explosives had been part of the original construction.
Those involved in their installation didn't know what they were installing.
Those who did were in position in the building and willing to die too.
(sounds like the opening to an XFiles movie)

Now, we have -3- different buildings in NYC, all secretly wired when they were built.
Their detonations controled to minimize 'splash damage'.
Keyed to go off when exposed to flaming jet fuel.
A special never heard of material that can withstand years of exposure and neglect.

Using Area 51 holograms to hide ...

ok, sorry. That's just nuts.

Islamic Extremists, infiltrated the US, -legally-.
They avoided being red flagged, avoided detection, blended in, infiltrated the US.
They used our own people to help them, because they blended in and because the security folks, ****ed up. Repeatedly.
Negligence, incompetence, 'politics', poor judgment, poor follow up, poor communications and plain old 'cant happen here'.

There was no 'wired for explosion'.
No 'shear bolts'. No 'controlled detonation'. No 'holograms'.

4 planes were hijacked.
3 hit their targets.
1 hit the ground.

People died.

Do I think there are those in power or who were in power that knew more? That may have had information that could have lessened or even stopped it?
Do I honestly think that it was a False Flag?
Do I think it was planned by the US Government?
Do I think Dubya was 'in' on it?
Do I think people over react to it all?
Do I think we need to better secure our borders, keep better track of non-citizens, and better screen those we allow in?
Has my opinion of all this stuff changed over the years?

Beyond that...I'm personally done with it all. My heart goes out to everyone who lost a friend, a coworker, a family member, a child, a spouse in the attacks. I hope that they someday, find peace.


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