outside NYC and Wash. D.C. 9/11 is forgotten

  • Thread starter Thread starter XxSweetFacadexX
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i don't know what depresses me more... the memorial for today or the fact that it seems like everyone outside NYC and Washington D.C. has forgotten 9/11....

i'm not asking for the 24 hour talk about 9/11 or people to immerse themselve in the whole tradegy... all i'm asking for just some respect for those that we lost... and some signs that people outside NYC and DC haven't forgotten.

being in NYC and being an hour away is dramatically different. it's like if it's not NYC, people just don't give a damn. whatever happened to the rest of the US saying they will never forget? or is that a promise that only us NYers, DCers, and others directly affected will keep?

i don't know.:(
They had a memorial here where I live in Nova Scotia. And it was well attended.
I'm not looking to start an argument but I think it's unfair to make that statement that the tragedy two years ago is largely forgotten outside the cities where they occurred.

The whole of America was struck senseless by the terrorist's attacks the pain of watching the planes strike the towers over and over and over and over again and the images of the towers falling, thanks to the blood-thirsty media hounds of this country you can bet that those images won't be faded from our memories for quite some time.
The fact that we are now at war with an unseen and elusive foe in their homelands to seek retribution for their deeds brings back for some, haunting memories of Vietnam and the Cong guerrillas and the senselessness of that conflict.

It will be a long time coming before we Americans will forget that we became so confident and complacent enough to allow this incident to occur. That we had in effect allowed these perpetrators enough leeway in this country where they could commit themselves to do this terrible thing. That we, a mighty country among many had allowed those small insignificant fantatics misguided by their beliefs of a loving God by their leaders into a twisted and corrupt vision that it was right to commit mass murder.

I'm an American, born and raised here along with 240 million others (I'm guessing 10 million more as immigrants honestly trying to achieve the same dream we all are). I love this country and it's people. I'd die for it. I for one, among millions will never forget that terrible tuesday morning which changed the lives of everyone who witnessed it, first hand and on live television.

The world mourned with us and that's a comfort. We will do what we must to go on with our lives and not let Terrorist dictate how we feel. People die every single day who mourns for them. Who mourns for those killed by the assassin that cruised around the streets of Va. and Md. last year? Who mourns for Coloubine?
Who mourns for those lives lost outside this country in the hands of extremists and madmen?

Tragedies happen all the time in this world. What a sad place it would be if we only focused on the tragedies of this world. There is much in this world to be joyful about. LIFE matters.

Oh crap... my soapbox collapsed. 'nuff said

Originally posted by MACaver
I'm not looking to start an argument but I think it's unfair to make that statement that the tragedy two years ago is largely forgotten outside the cities where they occurred.

The whole of America was struck senseless by the terrorist's attacks the pain of watching the planes strike the towers over and over and over and over again and the images of the towers falling, thanks to the blood-thirsty media hounds of this country you can bet that those images won't be faded from our memories for quite some time.
The fact that we are now at war with an unseen and elusive foe in their homelands to seek retribution for their deeds brings back for some, haunting memories of Vietnam and the Cong guerrillas and the senselessness of that conflict.

It will be a long time coming before we Americans will forget that we became so confident and complacent enough to allow this incident to occur. That we had in effect allowed these perpetrators enough leeway in this country where they could commit themselves to do this terrible thing. That we, a mighty country among many had allowed those small insignificant fantatics misguided by their beliefs of a loving God by their leaders into a twisted and corrupt vision that it was right to commit mass murder.

I'm an American, born and raised here along with 240 million others (I'm guessing 10 million more as immigrants honestly trying to achieve the same dream we all are). I love this country and it's people. I'd die for it. I for one, among millions will never forget that terrible tuesday morning which changed the lives of everyone who witnessed it, first hand and on live television.

The world mourned with us and that's a comfort. We will do what we must to go on with our lives and not let Terrorist dictate how we feel. People die every single day who mourns for them. Who mourns for those killed by the assassin that cruised around the streets of Va. and Md. last year? Who mourns for Coloubine?
Who mourns for those lives lost outside this country in the hands of extremists and madmen?

Tragedies happen all the time in this world. What a sad place it would be if we only focused on the tragedies of this world. There is much in this world to be joyful about. LIFE matters.

Oh crap... my soapbox collapsed. 'nuff said


Well said.
Originally posted by XxSweetFacadexX
i don't know what depresses me more... the memorial for today or the fact that it seems like everyone outside NYC and Washington D.C. has forgotten 9/11....

i'm not asking for the 24 hour talk about 9/11 or people to immerse themselve in the whole tradegy... all i'm asking for just some respect for those that we lost... and some signs that people outside NYC and DC haven't forgotten.

being in NYC and being an hour away is dramatically different. it's like if it's not NYC, people just don't give a damn. whatever happened to the rest of the US saying they will never forget? or is that a promise that only us NYers, DCers, and others directly affected will keep?

i don't know.:(

I didn't do anything formal to remember it. And I'm not aware of any formal memorials that happened in my area. But I did remember it and took a private moment of silence. I don't know if others did or not. But to assume that they didn't is somewhat presumptuous, don't you think?

I live about an hour away from NYC. We did have memorials in our area and we did have perminent memorials built in honor of the attacks. In my area, I know of at least one in every town....
Where I am located, all of the Utah State government offices and most schools had their flags down at half-mast and a moment of silence at 8:46 a.m. City government offices did the same thing. There were also some memorials held. A major memorial was run by the Veterans at the Veterans park which were very well attended, among other activities. Most homeowners and apt dwellers who have flags chose to fly them that day. It was awesome to see so many flags every where, including some flags from other nationalities. Even my dojo had a moment of silence, all of us knelt with heads down.
- Ceicei
our small town of 15000 held a two hour memorial or those that died on 9-11 and for our toops that have fallen as a result of it.
For a small town , with small towns all aroud, we have a high number of our sons, daughters, and friends overseas fighting for our freedom.
Lets remember that it is not just us in the USA that lost people in that tragic day and in the events that have followed.

the City of LA unveiled a memorial to FDNY. it consisted of a large piece of metal from the twin towers and a very nice plaque. Some of the victim's families were there, as well as the mayor and fire chief.

we all got to touch the memorial, and everyone had the same reaction. as soon as our hand touched the metal, we were completely incapable of movement. it was as if the structure had grabbed our hands as well. It was an incredibly moving experience.

Please don't forget that several of those planes were headed for Los Angeles. (United Flight 175, American Airlines Flight AA11, and American Airlines Flight AA77).

People were impacted EVERYWHERE. It isn't just an East Coast thing. It wasn't just Americans that died, either. People all over the world are remembering, some in public ceremony, and many more, in our own private way. You don't have to make a big show of something to remember its importance. you just have to take a moment and remember, and for every single American old enough to watch television, and for others around the world, 9/11/01 is a day we will never, ever forget.

Originally posted by XxSweetFacadexX
i don't know what depresses me more... the memorial for today or the fact that it seems like everyone outside NYC and Washington D.C. has forgotten 9/11....

i'm not asking for the 24 hour talk about 9/11 or people to immerse themselve in the whole tradegy... all i'm asking for just some respect for those that we lost... and some signs that people outside NYC and DC haven't forgotten.

being in NYC and being an hour away is dramatically different. it's like if it's not NYC, people just don't give a damn. whatever happened to the rest of the US saying they will never forget? or is that a promise that only us NYers, DCers, and others directly affected will keep?

i don't know.:(

General Motors called for the Flag to be flown at half mast this week and also for a moment of silence.

Not much, yet I think it was an effort that many did not make. :(
Not much was done here in Michigan publically; but you know what...I am glad!

We should all remember 9-11, and we all will. But, let's face it folks, it has been a bad 2 years. We have faced terrorism, war, worries, media frenzies, "code orange," high unemployment rates, piss poor economy, etc., etc., etc. Frankly, I think that this was a good year for all of us around the country to remember 9-11 in our own special way.

My office had a moment of silence twice; once at our morning meeting, and again when the NYSE had a moment of silence when the second plane hit. All trading stopped for a few minutes, and it was an amazing thing to watch.

So there were some public things, but for the most part, things remained quiet. And I am glad. I thought about the tragedy that day and reflected. I thought about ways to change things, the situation in the middle east, our homeland security, etc.; ideas that I may never see materialize. But I problem solve and pray; this is how I deal with things. I was glad that I could do this without being bombarded with a memorial on every corner, led by a media frenzy on every T.V. station.

Did some people "forget" that day, and go about there business uninterupted? Probably. Why? Because manufactured consent is so bad in our society that far too many people shut their brains off, and let Media and advertising formulate their ideas. These people needed a media frenzy this year, and I think that is a sad state of affairs.

I, However, was glad I didn't have a lot of noise to tune out this time, so I could have the time to think on my own. I hope that all of you took this opportunity to think on your own as well.

I personally did not really notice 9/11 much.
I guess it was another day mainly.
Americans will soon forget thereee rage it seems. Odd thing that we are already kind of burned out on the whole 9/11 tragidy. I guess the media kept it directly in front of people to much.
IM not sure if that made sense or came out wrong or something
Originally posted by XxSweetFacadexX
i don't know what depresses me more... the memorial for today or the fact that it seems like everyone outside NYC and Washington D.C. has forgotten 9/11....

i'm not asking for the 24 hour talk about 9/11 or people to immerse themselve in the whole tradegy... all i'm asking for just some respect for those that we lost... and some signs that people outside NYC and DC haven't forgotten.

being in NYC and being an hour away is dramatically different. it's like if it's not NYC, people just don't give a damn. whatever happened to the rest of the US saying they will never forget? or is that a promise that only us NYers, DCers, and others directly affected will keep?

i don't know.:(
Its all I ever here about. How would I ever forget? I live in Wa state and its a constant premis of any political discussion. What kind of respect are you looking for? If you mean being a democrat means you lack respect, then you are going to be unhappy with about half the population for the rest of your life.

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