so, you are OK with child molestation as long as it is in another country. Wow.
No. There really isn't a gray area on child molestation, etc, wrong is wrong, no matter when, or where, or by who. Oppression? Seriously? Dragging people kicking and screaming into the 21st century is not oppression. Denying people the "right" to eight year old wives is not oppression.
Anyone who says this is acceptable because it is within cultural norms needs a smack upside the head.
Don, I don't see him saying it's ok. I see him saying it's the culture, which according to their laws, laws which are rather strictly enforced, says only that sex is legal when married. Otherwise, it's not.
Excuse me? Kindly cite the last LEGALLY SANCTIONED child molestation in the US. Or, at the very least throw stones remotely related to the OP.
Age of consent in alot of the US is 13/14. Not much of a jump from 8 to 13 IMO.
Age is lower if legally married, which is allowed in many states if a parent signs off on it and a judge does as well.
My opinion?
8's too young. But in some countries, kids are soldiers at 14. Not my country, not my culture, not my concern. I'm sure I could rant, complain, and go on long forum screes and the Saudi King will issue a decree changing it. Oh wait, he would care less what I think.
Lets just get everyone together, grab our guns (before they are collected by OUR government) and head over there and teach them how to respect a kid. Who's ready to go?
Really. Who is ready to go? Get your guns, load up the attack craft, and go and teach them a lesson. Or, is the idea that we should send other people to die for this?
Sorry, not my country, not my faith, not my culture, not any way related to anyone I know or care about, so I'll be staying here. If the Saudi's are concerned, they can handle it, which I believe they are, through their own systems.
Course, they have some good ideas on drugs, drinking and a few other issues that we all enjoy, maybe they should come and "help" us, hmm?
Lets go on another bit. Every day, hundreds of women and children are regularly raped all over Africa. Where's the outrage?
The Thai child sex industry is still pretty hot. Virgins are sold off by their families, druged, raped then disposed of afterwords. That means killed, just so we're on the same page. Where's the outrage?
Too much stress here. Lets all go relax at our local asian rub n tugs. Oh wait....half of them are staffed with illegals here in sex slavery. Where's the outrage?
Don, you and everyone else here who is incensed by this, has every right to be. It offends you, at a core level. Hell, it offends me too. But. Really, other than draw attention to the issue, what effect can we possibly have here?