8-year-old girl's marriage ruled legal

If a church leader expresses a view that is hateful and bigotted just look to the Bible for an answer. If the 2 don't connect...Hey presto.
And if the bibles answer is also hateful, rip that page out as well. It may be the "Word of God", but it was heard by human ears and transcribed by human hands, and man don't hear to well in my opinion. There's only 10 sentences in there that were written by the almighty.
The People are the Religion. The books haven't been "updated". The sermons still refer to thousand year old dogma, from a different time, a different culture as justification for atrocities today. The only faith I believe updates their laws are the Jews. But, this is digressing far from the original topic I think.
Im a lapsed Catholic, but the few times that I do manage to make mass a year..I am always impressed with the message of peace and tolerance that I hear. People seem to equate not approving of some group or belief as "intollerance"...

Well, what I see as the principal facet of intolerance her is the Christian position that those who believe differently will be tortured for all eternity for this thought crime. In some sects, the same happens to unbaptized children. That just doesn't seem very tolerant to me. Compare the Buddhists.
Not if you read it as being the opinion expressed by a fellow member who thinks differently than yourself on the issue.

Which is after all the ostensible point of the Study.
oh no worries Mark, i CANT be offended by cracks about religion, i dont take it that seriously.

some people do tho, and I imagine they might find that offensive.
CAIRO (AP) - An 8-year-old Saudi girl has divorced her middle-aged husband after her father forced her to marry him last year in exchange for about $13,000, her lawyer said Thursday. Saudi Arabia has come under increasing criticism at home and abroad for permitting child marriages. The United States, a close ally of the conservative Muslim kingdom, has called child marriage a "clear and unacceptable" violation of human rights. The girl was allowed to divorce the 50-year-old man who she married in August after an out-of-court settlement had been reached in the case, said her lawyer, Abdulla al-Jeteli. The exact date of the divorce was not immediately known.
So, the girl was allowed to divorce. In other words, this guy, legally used the girl as leverage to get payment from her father. What next, will the Saudis have to hand their kids over to pay traffic tickets.

This girl's life has been compromized no end. When she eventually wants to get married, what does she say to her, would be husband? Oh, by the way honey, I was a divorcee at the age of 8.
So, the girl was allowed to divorce. In other words, this guy, legally used the girl as leverage to get payment from her father. What next, will the Saudis have to hand their kids over to pay traffic tickets.

This girl's life has been compromized no end. When she eventually wants to get married, what does she say to her, would be husband? Oh, by the way honey, I was a divorcee at the age of 8.

Yup. An "innocent divorce" is often the term used by folks from the region that speak English. But even so, she will still be far less attractive to a potential suitor and his family, even from an area where such a thing isn't unheard of.
About damned time... that ends that argument.

Apparently they aren't all barbaric hedonistic men oppressing women there...
But there has been a push by Saudi human rights groups to define the age of marriage and put an end to the phenomenon.
One Saudi human rights activist Sohaila Zain al-Abdeen was optimistic that the girl's divorce would help efforts to get a law passed enforcing a minimum marriage age of 18.