2000 and counting...

Tgace said:
Hmmm..thought the thread was about the tragedy of American deaths and their relevance to the mission in Iraq.

If you want to paint servicemen/women as abusers or torturers I believe there are other threads for that.
Not painting anything. Just reporting. I think there is also a thread that, which no doubt, qualifies me as part of the 'Liberal Media'.
RRouuselot said:
I think the “bleeding heart liberals” need to face the fact that innocent people sometimes die as the result of conflict.
Facing the fact clearly.

The 'innocent people' are reported here:


Currently, there are credible reports of more than 16,000 'innocent people' being killed because of conflict.

That news story reports about detained people (perhaps, people not so innocent) who were killed by their captors. A different thing entirely.

Post Script
Iraq Body Count - In Rememberance - Excerpt said:
At least 618 of the dead whose ages are known were less than 18 years old, and 64 were babies no more than two years old.
So far this month, this our service members have had their least violent month since February of last year. Let's hope it continues on this downward trend.

This month, only 32 US service members lost their lives, 1 UK service member, and 3 coalition members.

The dark cloud of this silver lining is that Iraqi leaders are more frequently targeted.

Wishing for Peace - michael
President Bush, today, announced that there are as many native Iraqi's trained for security service in Iraq as there are United States Service Members serving in country. Essentially, this means the size of trained forces has doubled in the last two years. Further, as the Adminstration has stated our forces will come home as soon as the Iraqi's can perform the job themselves, it would seem it is time for the C-130's to begin ferrying soldiers home.

And not a moment too soon.

1,548 United States fatalities.
11,664 'Official' United States injured count ... some estimates quite a bit higher.
I heard on AFN that all Marines under the age of 26 must re-take part of their driverÂ’s license exam due to the fact they die in more accidents while driving off base. Last year more marines died in traffic related accidents than died in Iraq.
51 United States Service Members killed in Iraq in April.

1586 United States Service Members killed in Iraq since our invasion.

More than 500 Iraqi Police Officers / Guardsmen / Civilians killed by insurgents in April.
Uh, are you saying that this particular soldier's courage means that we should overlook his commander-in-chief's lying and stupidity, or--if we're talking about the article I cited--our government's failure to plan adequately and protect our troops as much as possible? I was also wondering if you could explain why "National Review," when it features Sean Hannity (never served) and speaks on behalf of George Bush Jr. (avoided Vietnam) should be taken seriously when it waxes patriotic?

Seriously--could you explain why they're more morally authoritative than, say, a long chain of liberals and lefties who actually did serve?

I think Tgace just plain can't stand it to have citizens reminded that soldiers are dying in Iraq. It seems whenever I update this thread, he immediately has a 'Good News' story to post right after it.

It's almost as if he is 'banking' these news stories so they are ready to fire off when someone goes through the bother of reminding our fellow citizens that American Soldiers are dying every day in Iraq; just in case we got too preoccupied with wizzin' on the President's Social Security Privatization Plan (aka My Legacy on Wall Street).

Gee ... didn't we turn control back over to this country 3 months ago?

What other countries have we had 149 soldiers die as guests of the government?


Support our Troops ..... Bring Them Home!!
This is one of the most important articles an American citizen need read. The implications could be huge if one reads between the lines. Thank you for posting, MichaelEdward.