Chinaboxer, you’ve said Wing Chun and BJJ use the same concepts (I tend agree to some extent), but what are they?
And since you've asked it of us, I haven't seen your response to the question. What do you think are the core concepts essentially unique to Wing Chun? What is your your list of concepts?
i definitely have my own opinions, and i haven't kept them a secret at all, my entire website is dedicated to explaining the concepts of wing chun. i will chime in to this discussion because i feel it is such an important subject. but i wanted to get other people's perspectives and opinions first.
i also wanted chunners to think about that fundamental question, "what are the core concepts of wing chun, defined in a very specific manner, that must be adhered to at all times during every movement?" you'd think that it would be simple to answer, from a martial arts method that prides itself on it's simplicity, but as we're seeing, it's not the case.
i also think people here are confusing "techniques" from "concepts", for instance, BJJ and wing chun use many different "techniques", but share exactly the same concepts.
and the comparison of boxing using straight punches (technique), while true, the delivery method is not straight, because the body, shoulders, feet must rotate. so in this instance, we as chunners must DEFINE this concept further. such as "the body structure must always face your opponent's centerline during the delivery of a centerline vertical punch." this is not defined enough, but hopefully you get my point. even using this concept in it's rough state, it already can no longer be compared with traditional boxing or any style that rotates or torques to gain power, it also eliminates any style that does not use a centerline vertical punch (all the time) such as karate or tae kwon do. it's now become more and more unique to _ing _un.
we also have to stop using single descriptive words such as "relaxation" to explain _ing _un concepts, it's too vague! it has to be defined to the point that every chunner "get's it". heck..when people sleep, they are as relaxed as they are going to get, but does that mean everyone can do _ing _un? hopefully everyone understands why i created my website in the first place, to help "define" what _ing _un is, by defining it's core concepts. i think that's probably why the _ing _un community has been largely positive in support of my website, because i take the time every week to "define" the concepts, so that chunners "get it". it's easy to say "don't use your shoulders" to a student, but it's another matter to "show" them how NOT to turn them on in the first place, in detail.
what i'm about to say is going to make some people mad, but i think it's imperative that i say it, remember that this is only MY OPINION. you either know in thorough detail the concepts and adhere to them all the time or you don't. instructor's either "get" the concepts in such a deep manner that they can share them to students, or they can't, so they have to rely on teaching you technique after technique, counter after counter. but then it goes back to what every chunner knows to be true, and that is _ing _un is NOT a style, it is completely and soley a "concept" based art. there is no such thing as "pure" wing chun or "traditional" wing chun or "modified" wing chun...there is ONLY _ing _un concepts that you completely adhere to ALL THE TIME or you don't..that's it. you cannot adhere to a few techniques here and there and adhere to some concepts here and there while contradicting those same concepts at other times, and say you do _ing _un, or say you do "modified" _ing _un. it's an illusion, you're fooling yourself. and that's why i called this post 100% _ing _un...cause i really mean it! you can know every technique, every form, every term, every drill and still not know _ing _un!
this is the point i'm trying to make with this post, as a _ing _un community, to get together to "iron out" these concepts, while defining them in a precise manner to avoid any confusion from other martial arts methods. this IMO is the most important thing for us as a community to do, because the art is "concept" based! so let's roll up our sleeves and figure this out! for now, let's set aside the whole BJJ and _ing _un comparison..let's focus on possibly doing what some of the greatest chunner's failed to do..and that's to simply this wonderful martial art by defining it's deep meaning concepts.