2nd Black Belt
Nobody recognized her eh?
That is actress Ashley Judd.
And ya, turns out: she really IS pretty; looks pretty much in person just like she does on the Silver Screen. Also seems very nice/gracious and down-to-earth (even more remarkable in that she is not only an actess, but the daughter of Naomi Judd, so a second-generation celebrity).
The one movie I remember her from is the 2004 thriller "Twisted" (also has Samuel L. Jackson and Andy Garcia!) in which she uses a yawara stick and does some pretty nice martial arts moves! Worth checking out.
The catch is, she wasn't there to see me :wah: ; she was in town to campaign for Obama. (so maybe that was why she was making the "coerced" signal :shrug
Only those working for the campaign and the press were allowed, so I came and took pics for our Monday edition of the Standard Democrat (
I don't usually do the star-struck "can I have a picture with ya" thing but this was different for some reason
And don't go trying to rat me out to my GF, Kwanjang! — she was there, too (she took the pic for me )
You know, if you wouldve played your cards right, maybe ehhh, you,,,ehhhh girlfriend,,,,eehhhhh ashley judd,,, eehh i dont know, maybe. Im just saying you couldve at least tried. We wouldve appreciated it as it wouldve given us more to talk about. You have to remember these things, after all, THIS THING IS BIGGER THAN JUST YOU FOGELL! heheh
ps. sweet pic, i knew she looked familiar, i actually thought she was a sikeston chick, HA!