Youth, Motive And Tradition


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
I was sitting around this morning getting bent out of shape for a dumb reason. Here's a senario was ask if I could bring over some students to train for a tournament,accepted, went was a great time going to another Dojaang the students got some good advise from another instructor and that was great, set up another one this time my Dojaang and no-one came ask 12 students to get up early on a saturday so we could get some extra time in and no-one showed. Not the instructor foult he had to work,but not one of his student called I found this totally dis-respectful, this is what is wrong with Martial Arts these day's no commitment from the younger generation without proper guideness they are unable to fulfill there instructor wish. Has this happened to anybody else and how do you handle stituations like this when it happens. I know I should let things like this roll of one's shoulders but it happens to get under my skin, I would always do as my past instructors ask no questions nowadays the seems to do what they like.. GOD BLESS AMERICA.(thanks for letting me vent a little we all need it once in a while)
Well, there could have been alot of reasons that they didn't come. The other school's instructor should have arranged a time when he could have been there too, after all wasn't that the deal? You went to supervise and make sure your students were at his school, after all.

Then, there is the familiarity factor. The parents who bring the students to school don't know your school or you as the instructor, without their instructor acting as the go-between. Was your school convenient, in the same town? Was the weather okay? Did the other instructor make sure his students were going, had the address, time, etc. and actually communicated to them instead of just posting a note on the bulleting board? (which parents don't seem to see) Did the students give a commitment to their instructor to come--you don't know that. I think the onus, responsibility falls on the other instructor. Chalk it up to a communication problem--the other guy's. Hey these things happen, I've been teaching a different student every thursday now for three weeks--my "class". arrgh TW
If none of the 12 students came, this would likely point to a miscommunication of some sort. I have to agree with TW's comments. There could be several factors why this didn't work out the way you hoped. I would suggest talking it over with the other instructor to clarify issues and expectations. Try it again if it is possible.

- Ceicei