I'm interested to hear ideas for handling problem behaviors, specifically kids not adults
I'm assisting kid TKD classes and I've got a few behaviors specifically in mind. The whiner, the chatter, and the show off. Had all 3 in one class today, multiple whiners and chatters - and one combination whiner-chatter.
Whiner: general constant murmur of things like awwwwww; i'm tiiiired; i can't; my foot itches too much from this bug bite; excuses, etc. Does this every time. Other students don't want to be partnered with them for drills (also don't hold the target well for them - on one occassion a whiner sat on the floor and refused).
Chatter: chatting with people (next to them or across the room), unnecessary chatter, every class, multiple warnings, aaaand they infect the rest of the class
Show-off: this one tonight is still a new student, always fancy footing during drills and between them, borderline disrespectful in other respects
-Warnings: "if you keep doing x _________ will happen." ___ is: have to do 20 pushups; have to sit out; can't play the game at the end of class; will take your belt; you have to leave the room. I must remember to ask if I have free rein to administer these disciplines. I'm still very new at this.
-I'm learning to wipe-off my "helpful face" and turn it into something firmer and harder. That helped a bit tonight with the biggest whiner I've seen so far and with the show-off.
-As I'm just assisting the teacher I like to stay relatively quiet myself so I'm not drowning him out or calling attention away from him and to the student I'm correcting. I suppose I can ask the 2 instructors their perspective on that. I might not be as loud as I sound to myself.
I'm interested to hear ideas for handling problem behaviors, specifically kids not adults

I'm assisting kid TKD classes and I've got a few behaviors specifically in mind. The whiner, the chatter, and the show off. Had all 3 in one class today, multiple whiners and chatters - and one combination whiner-chatter.
Whiner: general constant murmur of things like awwwwww; i'm tiiiired; i can't; my foot itches too much from this bug bite; excuses, etc. Does this every time. Other students don't want to be partnered with them for drills (also don't hold the target well for them - on one occassion a whiner sat on the floor and refused).
Chatter: chatting with people (next to them or across the room), unnecessary chatter, every class, multiple warnings, aaaand they infect the rest of the class
Show-off: this one tonight is still a new student, always fancy footing during drills and between them, borderline disrespectful in other respects
-Warnings: "if you keep doing x _________ will happen." ___ is: have to do 20 pushups; have to sit out; can't play the game at the end of class; will take your belt; you have to leave the room. I must remember to ask if I have free rein to administer these disciplines. I'm still very new at this.
-I'm learning to wipe-off my "helpful face" and turn it into something firmer and harder. That helped a bit tonight with the biggest whiner I've seen so far and with the show-off.
-As I'm just assisting the teacher I like to stay relatively quiet myself so I'm not drowning him out or calling attention away from him and to the student I'm correcting. I suppose I can ask the 2 instructors their perspective on that. I might not be as loud as I sound to myself.