Supra Vijai
Black Belt
Blocking itself while defending an attack, seldom ends the fight and while a block ultimately can contribute to victory blocking itself is contrary to the goal of instantaneous victory. While blocking serves much better that being hit the block only takes up an opportunity to execute a technique that would fulfill the objective. Therefore any movement or technique not forwarding the ultimate goal is interfering with it.
I'm only new to the arts myself but I'd say it depends on how you train your blocks. We go with the mindset that a block is never just a block, it's a strike. If you can "incapacitate" your attacker's arm with a solid block, then that there would be victory as you define it IMO.
I do not train so that I may avoid conflict. I train to end conflicts. ..... And had I been trained in MA then I would not have kept my head down and mouth shut to avoid the conflict like I did.
As mentioned in an earlier post, we actually train to avoid conflict where possible or "become invisible" so to speak. I for one can honestly say I'd much rather get home without having been in a fight unless absolutely necessary - defending myself against an incoming attack - and look "weak" as opposed to getting into a brawl and quite possibly go home limping because someone said something that offended me or what not. Different arts, different people, different approaches I guess.