What was the first form you learned?
What was the first move of that form and what is it supposed to do?
Did the moves have only one use or where multiple explanations told of what the move could be used for?
If the moves had only one purpose have you found (as you progressed in rank and years) that more than one application can be found?
The first kata I learned was Sanchin (Isshin-Ryu).
The first move of that form is stepping out with the right foot into a sanchin-dachi and settling into a solid stance:
Sanchin is the only kata for which there is no bunkai in my style (that I am aware of). It has a different purpose. It teaches breathing, grounding, focus, and dynamic tension. In Isshin-Ryu, we do not perform it with continuous tension throughout the kata, only at the points of impact (the punches, the blocks).
Sanchin is normally not taught as a first kata in Isshin-Ryu, but my sensei teaches it first, and I'm glad. It is a quick kata to 'learn' in the sense that you can memorize the steps quickly enough. But it takes a lifetime to understand, and so the sooner you get started on it, the better.
The SECOND kata I learned was Seisan, and there are so many applications in that kata, it blows my mind. There's so much there! First move in that is a step out in a crescent step with the left foot, then left-hand middle body block (chudan uke). Etc.