youn wha ryu

We use forms from many different styles from what I understand, here's the link to our forms requirements:

And as you can see from that page we do forms from several different styles, all of the pre-black belt forms are TKD, which makes sense because the base of our system is TKD. This was posted earlier in the thread:

"The Youn Wha Ryu, therefore, is an advanced system of fighting techniques from almost every available style of martial art. Due to its complexity, Grandmaster Han integrated Tae Kwon Do into his teaching system.
Tae Kwon Do is considered a basis for Youn Wha Ryu and it can be learned by nearly anyone. Youn Wha Ryu, however, is extremely complex and requires several years of basic martial arts training before its concepts can be understood. Training in the Tae Kwon Do system that Grandmaster Han teaches enables his students to observe the weaknesses of their own personal styles and that of other martial art systems. Thus, students are well equipped to deal with any fighting method they may encounter."

I think some people got thrown off of the rest of that post because of the "legend" of Youn Wha--which as others have stated it's just a legend, like the start of Kung Fu Panda "Legend tells of a legendary warrior, who's fighting was the stuff of LEGEND!". Who knows there might be some truth to it, or it might just be a bedtime story.

As I was saying a lot of our pre-black belt technique is TKD, we do include some other training--like we do sticky hands, fan blocks and I think it's wing chung blocks? (the blocks with the top & bottom of the wrist). We also do some training with weapons and different martial arts styles: Judo, Hapkido, Tai Chi, etc--usually with more specialized classes/seminars.

I believe currently we have no connection with KKW, although I know Grandmaster Han had some connections with TKD in it's early days and there might be a connection to KKW then, but I'm not an authority on Grandmaster Han's bio. From what I understand there might've been some bad interpretation on his bio when it was done back in the 80's, and the Masters are researching what they can and are going to meet with him in the near future. Grandmaster Han is over 70 and while in great shape they want to get his history well documented for further generations.

Our sparring rules are pretty simple:

No kicks to the face
No hand attacks to the head/face
You can kick to the sides & back of the head, with control
Punches and kicks to the front & sides of the chest protector
No kicks/punches below the belt
In order to score a point your kick/punch must either jar the opponent or move him back

My instructor here was telling me of this tournament they had gone to earlier this year, and there were a couple female black belts that were going to spar. One of them suggested that since it was just them fighting that they not use sparring gear, the other one said "if you're fighting me, you WANT to wear your gear" and she ended up knocking the other girls headgear off. Just mentioned that to say we fight hard, lol, for it to count as a point it's got to be a good hard solid kick/punch.
Ok let me set this straight. For one the school I posted a link to is in saint louis missouri not in california! Second I have very valid points to why their school is a mcdojo. Most of...not all but most of their instructors have less than 2 years of total training time. They have masters with less than 3 years of traing time. They bait their students in with awesome deals... trial period $25.99 3 weeks and free uniform, than when their students decide to quit because the training is aweful they sue them for the remainder of their contract, in upwards of $2000. They learn through green belt what we teach at white belt. Monthly belt testing even though the student is not ready??? And when the parents say no they threaten with their contract! Ive competed against their black belts on several occasions and they don't have the training they should! Koryo form at black belt? this should be a red belt form! Maybe my outlook is different but when a parenet pulls their child from a tourny because she doesnt think her student is good enough to compete with the other schools....this makes me wonder! I personally know several of their former instructors and they are happier now teaching on their own! I'm not trying to offend anyone I was just pionting out the points that if you think my association is a Mcdojo then you should check out this school! Sorry if I offended anyone, I appologize!:asian:
I assume that you are the martial artist formerly known as 'Youn Hwa Mann'? T'would seem that I've sparked a round of name changes:D

In any case, no offense was taken by me. Just keep in mind that others on this thread have made similar assertions regarding your school, assertions which you have refuted. You were very upset, as I would have been if people made such assertions regarding my school and GM. Keep in mind that just as several students from your system have jumped up to defend when people got on MT and badmouthed GM Han, there are certainly people at that Saint Louis school (my apologies; not sure why I thought it was in CA) who would have stellar things to say about that school.

I'm certainly not refuting your assessment; I've never visited the school, just as I have never visited yours. To say that there is a school in your area that is the very definition of a McDojo, then state what you stated above, and only talk about the name of the school via PM would have been better.

I was not the only one on that thread that looked the site over and didn't see anything that would have immediately set it apart as a McDojo. As another observed, it looked like a typical TKD school. Eight pages went by without any clarification from you as to why you considered it to be a poor school. I appreciate that you shared the reasoning for this, albeit on a different thread. At least now I know why you think of them as you do.

Lastly, the level of anger that you exhibited earlier on this thread when such assertions were made regarding your school is such that you should be careful about doing so to other schools, particularly without expressing any real reason for doing so.

Best wishes,

I think some people got thrown off of the rest of that post because of the "legend" of Youn Wha--which as others have stated it's just a legend, like the start of Kung Fu Panda "Legend tells of a legendary warrior, who's fighting was the stuff of LEGEND!". Who knows there might be some truth to it, or it might just be a bedtime story.
I wasn't thrown off by it. Actually, I think the legend is kind of cool.:)

Our sparring rules are pretty simple:

No kicks to the face
No hand attacks to the head/face
You can kick to the sides & back of the head, with control
Punches and kicks to the front & sides of the chest protector
No kicks/punches below the belt
In order to score a point your kick/punch must either jar the opponent or move him back
Pretty much the same as WTF, except that you can't kick to the face. That always puzzled me in WTF that they allow kicks to the face, which is unguarded, but no punches to anywhere on the head, which is protected by the hogu.

Koryo is an ITF 1st Dan form if I am not mistaken. I got my first Dan at an ITF school, and that was one of the forms we needed to advance to 2nd Dan. That is one of the 1st Dan forms in Chung Do Kwan as well. It may be a red belt form for you guys, but everywhere else in the TKD world it is a BB form.

And what is you proof that they are a McDojang? Have you been a student there and went through this?
Koryo is an ITF 1st Dan form if I am not mistaken. I got my first Dan at an ITF school, and that was one of the forms we needed to advance to 2nd Dan. That is one of the 1st Dan forms in Chung Do Kwan as well. It may be a red belt form for you guys, but everywhere else in the TKD world it is a BB form.

And what is you proof that they are a McDojang? Have you been a student there and went through this?
Koryo is a Kukkiwon form, though I have no idea if the ITF uses it as well.

Regarding McDojo proof, if you were replying to me, I haven't called the school a McDojo; I've never visited it.

Koryo is a Kukkiwon form, though I have no idea if the ITF uses it as well.

Regarding McDojo proof, if you were replying to me, I haven't called the school a McDojo; I've never visited it.


Sorry Daniel, I was asking Bob, our Youn Wha Ryu. :-)

I know that it was used in the first Dojang I was with (John Chung), and I know he does ITF and KKW forms.
I've found that there is a fair amout of schools that use Palgwe forms and some that use Taegeuk forms, in addition to Chang hon forms, so it wouldn't surprise me to see an ITF school using some of the KKW forms.

I looked at the Youn Hwa site and read through the curriculum and the description, and I kind of got the impression of a taekwondo school with a good deal advanced material for yudansha. Certainly not a bad thing at all.

Bob0812, DaylightDave, do you see Youn Hwa Ryu as something like a kwan of taekwondo, much as Ishin Ryu, Shotokan, Shorin Ryu, and Kyokushin are all styles of Karate, or do you see it a fully distinct art?

I looked at the Youn Hwa site and read through the curriculum and the description, and I kind of got the impression of a taekwondo school with a good deal advanced material for yudansha. Certainly not a bad thing at all.

Bob0812, DaylightDave, do you see Youn Hwa Ryu as something like a kwan of taekwondo, much as Ishin Ryu, Shotokan, Shorin Ryu, and Kyokushin are all styles of Karate, or do you see it a fully distinct art?

I'd say that's a valid way to look at it, I'm currently just a blue belt (hopefully I'll be eligible to test for red in January) so I don't have as much knowledge to answer that question as I'd like to have. Most of what I've learned so far has been Tae Kwon Do, although I have learned a few things that are not TKD and it appears the higher rank you go the more non-TKD techniques you learn.

Here's a link to the page on Youn Wha Ryu, not sure who did the info on it, but I'd assume it's done by someone who's got more experience than me, lol.

Oh, in answer to someone's comment earlier in the thread, yes, our instructors do often recommend that we order stuff through them, but that's mainly because they often are able to get discounts that they pass onto us. Also they do want the gear to have the Han logo on them, which if you've got gear that doesn't have it you can just put a sticker on it--but it's not required to buy the "special" gear, I don't see that any different than the different patches every school I've ever seen wanting you to have. Also at the Arkansas tournament I was at in November there were people who had gear that didn't have the Han logo, so whether it's required or not I don't know, I'm sure it's encouraged--and really if you're proud of your organization why wouldn't you want to display it?
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To be fair, Dave, I think that any school that has a pro shop will promote buying from the school. We have one and are encouraged to buy through the school, though we are not prohibited from buying elsewhere. It is when a school issues a prohibition against buying from anyone but the school that it becomes a problem. And honestly, that can happen anywhere, McDojo or not.

Koryo is an ITF 1st Dan form if I am not mistaken. I got my first Dan at an ITF school, and that was one of the forms we needed to advance to 2nd Dan. That is one of the 1st Dan forms in Chung Do Kwan as well. It may be a red belt form for you guys, but everywhere else in the TKD world it is a BB form.

And what is you proof that they are a McDojang? Have you been a student there and went through this?
Im done with this thread, it should be locked all its doing is causing one anothr to argue. I will infact answer your question. I know that most places Koryo is a BB form I understand that, I just do it at Red Belt. Here is why I think they are a McDojo:

To Advance to Yellow:
Basic Form 1
Straight Kick
Cresent Kick
Snap Kick
Down Block
Center Block
Face Block
To Advance to Second Yellow:
Basic Form 2
Inside Block
To Advance to Green:
Basic Form 3
Step Straight KIck
Step Cresent Kick
This is all the technique you learn to get to green belt! I teach all this plus more at white belt. Also in the last 10 years I have had alot of their students come to my school with no technique and telling me how they were pushed to test in only one month. Especially when their school 10 miles from me closed down do to legal issues. Also they tie their students into black belt contracts and when the students decide karate isnt for them they sue them for thousands of dollars.

I would like this thread to die so please let it. I really should have never posted it, but I was trying to show the difference in my association and a mcdojo, but I failed to realize no one here has any idea of this school and never has had any experiance with them. I apologize to everyone and would lie this to die. Thank You
I don't understand. Do you want it to die or do you want to keep posting?

I think you can trust that everyone here knows what it is like to have posted something they wished they could take back. It takes time. Just ignore the thread. It will go away. You just have to wait for a few days, maybe even a week or so. I know it is not easy.

Best wishes...and on to more interesting things to talk about, eh?
Also if this is not a belt factory I dont know what is:

look down the page at their black belts:

Is there really any credibility with a school that gives out this many black belts?[/center][/center]
I'd be curious as to how many of those students were young students with poom ranks. If a school is fairly large, then they certianly could turn out a large number of black belt students.

Personally, I see the emphasis on quantity (we turned out x-number of blackbelts last year) as a marketing gimick to attract parents, who really are the only ones who care about such things. Which is why I'd bet that 90% of the people on that list are under the age of fifteen and not of first dan status, but rather first poom, which is technically not a black belt.

Die thread, die damn you! ROFL! :whip1:

My son's bought me one of those cups and warmers that plug into your computer to keep your drinks warm so hey carry on, I'm fine lol!

We could agree that everyone on MT doesn't run or attend a McDojo and everyone else does? :deadhorse
Te-ez! You are so EVIL! DON'T post on this thread!!! Have you never had a thread you wish would die? Have you no compassion?

Seriously, I think you are absolutely correct. The very first sign that your school is NOT a mcdojo is that someone from the school is active on these boards. ABSOLUTELY RIGHT-o!
Im done with this thread, it should be locked all its doing is causing one anothr to argue. I will infact answer your question. I know that most places Koryo is a BB form I understand that, I just do it at Red Belt. Here is why I think they are a McDojo:

To Advance to Yellow:
Basic Form 1
Straight Kick
Cresent Kick
Snap Kick
Down Block
Center Block
Face Block
To Advance to Second Yellow:
Basic Form 2
Inside Block
To Advance to Green:
Basic Form 3
Step Straight KIck
Step Cresent Kick
This is all the technique you learn to get to green belt! I teach all this plus more at white belt. Also in the last 10 years I have had alot of their students come to my school with no technique and telling me how they were pushed to test in only one month. Especially when their school 10 miles from me closed down do to legal issues. Also they tie their students into black belt contracts and when the students decide karate isnt for them they sue them for thousands of dollars.

I would like this thread to die so please let it. I really should have never posted it, but I was trying to show the difference in my association and a mcdojo, but I failed to realize no one here has any idea of this school and never has had any experiance with them. I apologize to everyone and would lie this to die. Thank You
I don't think you can compare raw numbers of techniques to assess a school's quality. For example, to reach green belt in my class, you need to have an appropriate level of mastery of the following:
Stance Drill (9 stances)
Stepping Drill (9 steps)
Punching Drill (9 punches)
Blocking Drill (9 blocks)
Kicking Drill (9 kicks)
Point form (8 sets, 2 counts)
and a few miscellaneous other things. One way, it sounds like a lot (54 plus individual techniques or so);put it another way... and it's not so much (roughly equivalent to 6 "forms"). And it takes roughly 2 years (sometimes more) to get to green belt.

More important than the raw numbers is the appropriate level of mastery; I'm not going to hold a student back simply because they don't know all 9 kicks or something like that... But I won't advance a student, even if they know all of this and more -- but can't do it well enough.
Te-ez! You are so EVIL! DON'T post on this thread!!! Have you never had a thread you wish would die? Have you no compassion?

Seriously, I think you are absolutely correct. The very first sign that your school is NOT a mcdojo is that someone from the school is active on these boards. ABSOLUTELY RIGHT-o!

I know!! Evil laugh!
yeah I've posted up stuff I wish I hadn't before but I tend to stop posting on that thread when that happens!

We tend to be going round in cirlces and it makes me dizzy at my age lol! Still my coffee stays warm!