You know what your all childish, i basically came on here to defend my system which I should never have had to do. Secondly What is being said is that our system is a mcdojo system which basically takes money for ranks with crappy training, this is not true to our style. .
I've made no statements to this effect. Yes, you have every right to defend your school/system, and I do respect you for doing so. But in doing so you have made some very unfounded statements.
You can say Jhoon Rhee has more schools under his name yes this is true, because his name is basically as franchise. He doesnt personally teach the instructors that teach his students. Does he personaly take time out and train his instructors...maybe some not all. Does he over see the testing of all his students.....prolly not. I'm not saying he or his system is bad but its not ran the same way.
Early on, he did, but he has way too many schools to put in a personal presence in each one at this point. My point in bringing him up was that he has multiple schools. Your comment implied that having multiple schools is a testament to the effectiveness of the system, in which case the presence, or lack there of, of a GM shouldn't make a difference anyway, assuming that masters didn't merely purchase their rank (an all too common occurance in many organizations).
You dog on a style because they are a mcdojo, because they have alot of schools, that doesnt make a school a mcdojo.
I have not dogged on any style, including this one. Read my previous responses on this thread and I guarantee that you'll find that I've been very polite in my comments on the style.
If this is not directed to me, then please respond to them specifically. I have not now, nor ever on this board, called any school or system a McDojo by name or implication. It is not only inappropriate, but libelous so to do. And in any case, I've never been to your school, so I have no basis upon which to comment.
A Mcdojo is a school that forces students into thousands of dollars worth of contracts to do something, the students don't even know they like. Then when the students quit because its not for them or they feel the instruction in not superior, they sue them for thousands of dollars. I have had personal experience with this, having many students come to my school after being sued.
Some McDojos are like this. Others are just schools set up by well meaning people who may or may not be competent using a profitable business model and generally having a greater focus on the business side than on the MA side.
The school that Im refering to happened to one that used Jhoon Rhee's name. They are now out of business. You cant assume a school is a mcdojo because they have alot of schools.
100% agree. I never assume anything about another school.
Most of our instructors started in the same place learning from one instructor and then moved out of town and opened their own school. Everyother month all the students gather in one place for a testing, in which Grand Master Han will come and test his students.
There are a number of school in our area that work this way, ours being one of them.
I what I said about our students facing any other school in the country, I meant I think our training is just as good if not better than any other training in the country, am I saying it is it can always be improved, and always is! The people who run our system are some of the best in the country and I will always believe in them.
Okay, if this is what you meant, then this is what you should have said. I'm glad that you are proud of and apparently well served in the training you receive and, again, I respect you for promoting your school. But your original statement didn't read this way.
Another thing is that championships don't make a martial artists and I don't like the reputation that martial arts schools get because of this.
Agree and disagree: 100% agree that championships don't make a martial artist.
But I disagree regarding regarding championships negatively impacting the reputation of martial arts schools in general. Championships don't sully martial arts schools one bit. Unethical business practices, egotism, poor instruction, and bait & switch tactics do, all of which, sadly, are not uncommon.
The remainder of your post was addressed to Cirdan, so I did not quote it.
The only other thing that I have to say to you, Jimmy, is this: While I can appreciate that you are defending your school and system, you don't need to respond as if your back is up against the wall. Its just an internet forum. Some people here you will get on well with, and others not. Dialogue with the ones you get on well with and give due respect and politeness to those you don't and leave them be beyond that.