Senior Master
When taken at face value "shut up and train," sounds exactly like that, that you're not supposed to say anything or ask any questions but just do as your told
i understand where your coming from. but you are thinking about it differently, i know atleast 1reason (im sure theres more but i kbow this one to be true) im not saying dont ask questions but if you dont understand something the instructor is teaching then pay more attention. in my class today we were practicing xing yi dao form andi kept leaving out one of the techniques so before i asked which i watched him at that spot and saw through example. what im getting to here is its okay to ask questions but theres certain situations where you shouldnt ask and theres also situations to just pay better attention to detail. ask questions when its okay but it would be wise to know when not to ask. and if thats not convincing enough i dont know what to say besides whoever makes the rulesmakes the decisions. some instructors allow the use of questions some dont. they both have their reasons. i like when students as questions as long as the questions are either relevant to what were doing or before/after class. you may not like the idea of not asking questions but people who teach that way can still teach effectivly so obviously they are doing something right and thats what matters
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