You don't still use a screen saver, do you?


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You don't still use a screen saver, do you?
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By Don Willmott , Forecast Earth Correspondent Posted Wed Jun 11, 2008 6:36pm PDT
I'm happy that at this stage in my career I often find myself writing articles about energy-efficient ways to use computers, peripherals, gadgets, and consumer electronics. It makes me feel so, you know, virtuous.

Whenever I crank out a list of helpful hints, one of the first items I include is this obvious but often overlooked gem of advice: Kill your stupid screen saver. In the good old days of tube monitors, screen savers such as those unforgettable flying toasters were invented to prevent burn-in, a permanent shadow branded into the phosphors of your monitor by a static image of, say, a spreadsheet that you left on your screen all weekend.

Well, flat-screen LCD monitors don't burn in, so if you still have flying toasters or an endlessly looping slide show of your adorable niece and nephew, you're behind the times. When you're not sitting in front of your monitor it should be off off off.
Flying toasters... sheesh I haven't seen those in YEARS! :lol:
I've also not used screen savers for years. Found them to be especially annoying... particularly when you're trying to read an e-novel and forget to turn it off. :rolleyes:
The only time I use a screen saver is when we have guests and I turn on a slide-show of my caving pictures as it were.
Mine used to be anime girls battling across the screen. Stopped working when I went to XP, and since I take my laptop onsite alot, didn't seem right to keep running.
I've got that 3d pipes thing that comes with XP now.
I normally keep a slide show of family pictures. Fedora offers a few cools ones though, but they get annoying after a while. The standard XP ones get old quickly too :)
I still use one, basically just to have a 'closed book' on the computer when I'm away. Although I have the blank screen in 10 minutes anyway. I find them naustalgic ;). And yes, I'd get After Dark's flying toasters if they made a new OSX version heh.

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