Poppycock! Simultaneous attack and defense is an important element to nearly every martial system which employs linear attacks. In Western based systems, it's usually referred to as a Single Time Counter, Single Time Defense, or Single Time Riposte.I have. It's the actual fact that VT's LSDD does not exist in any style of Western Boxing.
At this point your stubborn insistence upon personal ignorance is plainly a choice. None are so blind as those who will not see.
I'm not sure which is more amusing, your willful ignorance or your insistence that only your version of WC contains an extremely basic, and common, tactic. What else does your WC have that no one else does? Punches? Kicks? Aiming for the nose or the solar plexus? Nut shots and eye-pokes?

Perhaps in your zeal to comment on martial arts you are ignorant of your memory might be, um, "compromised," so I'll remind you that I was invited to this conversation.You're on the Wing Chun subforum just to troll then?
Yes, yes, we're all aware that you're willing to show your ignorance about pre-Marquess boxing.I never said there aren't any striking similarities, but LSDD as defined in YMVT does not exist in any Western Boxing.