I agree. Thats why in my opinion SLT doesnt bother with anything else than Ygkym stance/footwork/kick wise(all the same thing in a way). SLT in my opinion being a form in which there are many little ideas/all the moves of WC in it's basic concepts/neutral postions/basic form.
Hey Geezer, knowing that you have experinece in both Ebmas and WT, what diffrences you
did notice? Are there any? Did Emin add something like Lat sao or leg chi sao, i don't know.. Please excuse my ignorance but I don't have any experience in LTs WT. I know Emin added Escrima, right?
One thing I would like to add about the street defence program/thing is that it also helps in the aftermath of the fight (when the ambulance an the police come and you have to deal with the law

) as if your in public and your engaged by a drunk guy and you go all:"Stop, I have a black belt in XXXXX and I can hurt you" thats what the potential witneses will see too and if you end up hurting the guy that could come back and bite you in the ***. At least in country. Also in a club, laud pub if somebody bothers you and you kick the **** out of him(even in self defence) mostly what people will see is you beating up the guy.
Now if you follow that "hey stop i don't want any trouble" attitude while still of course defending your self if need be people will more likely notice that you hurt/maimed/even worse the guy in selfdefence.