RHD said:
My initial comments and questions stand. The video clip on the website is of a form...now the system is formless.
Allow me to clarify. Formless form is movement that is not rehersed or memorized. What you saw Sifu Mike do was spontaneous movement in response to an imaginary fight made up on the spot.
RHD said:
I'm attempting to find out the reality behind the claims. If somone publically claims to have fought in underground cage matches in thier teens, and uses this as a "selling point" for thier validity as an instructor, they better damn well be able to prove it...otherwise it fall intothe category of B.S.
The only way for him to prove something like that to you would be for you to square off with him and prove it. how else could you prove street fighting? That's a choice all artists can sense when they approach a teacher. We're all looking for answers we can FEEL right? Yet somehow we don't all go around fighting each other, you should just be able to tell, then learn. You can learn from everyone this way, but it's a lot more amplified with practitioners that are a couple generations ahead of you and then THEY have studied with people a couple generations ahead of them! that puts you in contact with real historical knowledge of 4 generations within a basic, teacher-student natural relationship. That just doesn't exist without oral tradition.
Lets move on though, cage fighting is a more 'personal' issue of believe between you and sifu mike, I'd rather talk about what you are defining 'traditional chinese martial art' as.
As a student of chinest martial are "in general", you probably already know that there seems to be a common 'goal' in the arts right? What is the goal?
To play music with others. We can listen to the music we like, but that doesn't make you a musician. On another level, a recital pianist is no jazz player. Memorizing poetry is not writing it. The search for reality in the 'forms' of the art beg to be questioned by those practicing. The historical evidence that all true chinese martial art is isolated to the popular lineages highlighted by family lineage charts is errored. The philosophy of kung fu came from india, but there is history that says taoists developed arts independant of that lineage and independant (and predating) the three treasures (tai chi ba gua xing yi). The treasures are to recent to account for all lineages in 3000 years of taoist oral tradition. What is it about those darn mystic traditions that seem to breed alternative Ways of thinking? ....
Why are all the legends and tails of old monks and hermits, why is philosophy and knowledge associated with mastery? It's funny that all those old lineage charts always go back to a single founder, i wonder what made the founders special... is there a connective thread between the founders? We could never know because we'd have to travel in time... Nah it's just how 'family trees' works. And there is something about geneology that just kinda grounds a person in their trust that they are searching for truth in the right direction. It's easy to trust written history, it seems the Anglo culture began to distrust word of mouth long ago. Winners of wars write history. The rest is B.S. Forget about travel, it's worthless.
RHD said:
I'm not dismissing parts of Mr. Vendrell's life. These are questions and comments based upon what information is available: a short biography, some remarks from students, and a few video clips. Too me, with what experience I have, the Yee Chuan Tao system sounds made up. The history in the biography sounds made up or at the least quite exaggerated. There's a lot of big holes in the story, and I'm very surprised that in 2004 their are still systems that no one's heard of. All of these things are usually signs of fraud. If its a Taoist art that's 3000 years old, it should have more of a documented history than what's given. What is the link to other Taoist arts? No one seems to want to answer anything.
Basically you'd actually have to trust he wasn't lying, and we don't do that today. It's very difficult because our perceptions of the people around us are suspicious. But you know if you called him up, he would want to talk to you about kung fu, cuz he's a kung fu master. The system embodies Taoist principles. True, you are basing your assumptions on the limited perception bandwidth of the internet... so lets expand a bit.... Taoists traditionally passed on knowledge thru master disciple relationships based in oral tradition. There are still oral traditions occuring today in places where 'the grid' hasn't touches yet. But nomads and tribes and all other 'primitive' people groups will soon be overtaken by the 'new economic order' of the world, so anyways lets move on....
One thing about Taoist principles is a sense of constant innovation based on personal experience and context. Natural relationships of growth. If passing on a 'form' means that the "system" of the originator is preserved, yet those learning it can not embody the princples that the form teaches, then what has been 'preserved'? Nothing. The form looses it's meaning. If the founder can't get students to have their own realizations he doesn't transmit his art. You can memorize poetry but that doesn't mean you can write. To speak your own shakespear is to transcend form. Poetry comes from the heart. The traditional master disciple relationship is significant.
RHD said:
] Deconstructive? How about damaging to CMA? Big claims, unverifiable history, and now no forms. So as a kid, he just learned weapons with no prearranged training patterns? What about the mysterious reindeer form mentioned by aNadia? Older than Tai Chi? Oldest martial art, blah blah blah.
Big Claims? I'm trying to use the internet to it's fullest in communicating with you, but what the pursuit of Art in general has to communicate you can't some up in words. All I can say is Vendrell is a good tour guide. But i'm driving my own boat. Just like you. I we should all train with as many people as we can, to seek and reach thru our own movement rather then simply replicating others, we are all unique. Yet the process of realization is constant.
Damaging to CMA? Ouch. Let's examine that one more clearly....
I don't think that teaching an art that embodies taoist principles is damaging to the chinese arts. It would be damaging to associations founded around exploiting the natural master disciple relationship. Perhaps it would damage people making money off reassuring westerners that what they are learning is 'authentic'. Simple the ability to discern kinesthetic experience is very powerful. To FEEL what it is we;re looking for! Without discernment I suppose it's just easier to relie on lineage charts, and family name associations.
Shouldn't we be looking for the common truths behind the arts. That all the variables lead into a singularity, and the only way to get there is to learn the underlying language? So I wonder what this language is.
What is the truth of martial art? Us. Humans. The art of movement of the human body. Relationship. Style is secondary to the core of what movement is. If you look hard enough, the core the lays benieth the style of any 'master' is very similar.
You say that I am playing a higher ground... thanks for the compliment? I'm just being myself. I love martial art. I can talk about it all day long! Read what Bruce Lee, and Ueshiba have said about 'form' and 'formlessness'. They are much higher then me. They both had much to say on form and formlessness.
A little more on form and formlessness. i think once a form is learned, there must be a transitional period between learning the form, and embodying the form to make it your own. To let it teach you something about movement. Once you learn... is it still a form anymore?
Once you understand a jab, cross, hook and uppercut is that it? How do you make conversations with these things? Transitional awareness. The working together of the whole, a relationship of stillness to motion.
How do other arts embody the same principles as this? What is the connective thread that links movement of all styles? Yee Chuan Tao is an art that seeks the truth of movement, not style. Style exists as an embodiment of personality once your art is your own. Animal styles? Different tools for different tasks. The myriad of animals partake in the same creation. They are not all the same, but if you look closely, you see the same geometry connects them all to the web of creation. The geometry of human form connects all martial style together. It's not hard to see, it's very natural. Observing animals is an important aspect of kung fu! Hey that sounds taoist. Weird.
RHD said:
Ok. Break time. I LOVE martial art. In fact. I love ART. You see ART to me is the meaning of martial art. Which is love manifest in expression. If we were only 'martialists'.... and then there were 'artists'... well that would be a different world. But me, I'm a 'martial artist'. To me that is a lot bigger then just learning how to beat people up, which although it's fun to dissapoint peoples violent aspirations, doesn't really promote peace in and of itself. Ok, I'm done with break time. <wink/sarcasm>
RHD said:
And please...stop trying to play the "higher" ground routine.
I like to put a lot of thought into what I put out on the 'internet' for people to read. If we really want to know each other we shouldn't be afraid to share our hearts. I believe that we write is important, it's language, a part of the puzzle for us to put together. Yee Chuan Tao is a unique art that I have happened to cross paths with. I'm not trying to sell you anything bro. We're actually brothers in so far as we're both artists looking for truth. I take the time to write all this because I love sharing martial art. No doubt countless people will read this outside of the context of it being delivered to RHD. The internet is awesome! keep the internet non-corprate controlled!
Judgement is judgement. Regardless of style or art. Judgement is a false reflection confused by ego awareness. I could judge you based on the line of arts you've studied, to think I know something about your movement based on what tools, ranges and direction those styles you have have transmitted to you. But that wuld only be an ego assumption. Not a real relationship with you.
In fact we are dealing with a language. A language of movement and expression. We are communicating with it on both a social... and personal level. My judgement without physical presense will not be able to reflect on your personality... that's a big deal! With judgement I don't really know you. I do not know your LOVE of movement. Where you are able to manifest energy, that is a product of your enthusiasm. Movement that occurs from within. That's the importance of good teachers, spotting areas of love and bringing them out. Just as much as it's important to strengthen the weak, amplifying enthusiasm brings a love that translates into real skill.
It is not violence that feeds true skill, it's love which breeds enthusiasm for the work. Anger simply attempts to quench spontaneous creativity in expression. The ability to yeild to neutrality ceases with anger. Sounds taoist. A creative approach is formless in that it does not cling to habits unsuited for the task at hand. Sounds taoist.
Knowing the myriad of expressions nature reflects, the artist is free to respond from the most neutral of positions possible, internal and external. Shock absober and whip built into one.
Compare the master of movement to a master swimmer. the swimmer knowing all his strokes could be tossed about the currents yet work freely between his strokes to actually move WITH the currents. (sounds pretty taoist ehh? - don't worry I'm a Christian too!)
We're dealing with a language of movement and everyone has a unique dialect. Sure you can say it's just the effects of body type on any specific style, and we're genetically predispositioned to just automatically go there like the conditioned robots that we are... that martial art is conditioned reflexes that are just meant for killing during fight or flight. That the whole 'highest martial art is healing' is bogus nonsense. But where is the magic in that? Where is that real peace and healing that love brings? It's not there. The real skill thru understanding natural relationship isn't there. That's pretty taoist huh...
RHD said:
The questions and comments come from what's been presented. Have you done any research into the background of Yee chuan tao? Or do you take it all at face value? The role of the student is to study and ask quetions, not blindly follow. Consider me a student of CMA's in general.
Yes I hope the depth of this message constitutes reassurance that I love to research movement arts thru direct physical contact with other artists. In this way the substance of 'masters' and 'lineages' can be experienced in a directly experiential way for the seeker. I just can't be the judge until I feel, then I know. I don't trust much I can't experience. Books and hear say is nice, but I need cold hard facts to back up claims. Thus my reason for traveling to hawaii to study yee chuan tao from sifu mike vendrell.
Honestly, the questions and comments seem to me a product of overreliance on information technology to affirm self-interest in the art your currently studying. I think in seeking face to face training with as many different masters as possible you have the rare oppotunity to constantly look for the common connective thread between true masters. The more limited your contact with masters, the less opporunity you have to look for it. It doesn't matter what style, just what you feel and the connections that are made during the process of discovery in natural master disciple relationships.
We are all striving for realizations that stick. Realizations that take on kinesthetic significance. We live in a time that we can take advantage of modern technology to travel the globe and trade information... yet words remain abstractions to the actual experience of good push-hands. Poetry in motion.
Cooperative movement and yeilding can only increase awareness, endless misapplied force will only increase bad habits. Sound pacifist? That's cuz Yee Chuan is taoist. Taoism is a form of philosophy that uses observation of natural relationship as a guide to understanding internal and cosmic relationships.
Perhaps martial art is simplly a discovery process of something inside of us that is already apart of us? Sounds more like religion, but Modern media has produced some odd perceptions of what strength and power are. I believe to detriment of the martial artist in search of the realities behind the language that he is learning to speak.
The mind of the artist that can not see between the lines... can he move between the lines? Poetic higher ground? You can't fight with poetry can you? Can you? Unless of course, the phonetic source, is a hermetic course... in self discovery... but to some simply synthetic, a pathetic drum to some a discoursive arrangement of magnetic aesthetics... or possibly poetic arrangements of an energetic alphabet. A puzzle for the mind... this language we speak. Expressed in so many ways we say the same things over and over, and if we're lucky when we die we arn't saying the same things we learned from our parents.
In closing, it's important for everyong to step out of the box of form once it's learned. The air is fresh and your missing valuable time you could be standing outside with your arms playing in the wind, breathing the fresh air of the season.
Kindest Regards and good training to you,
Dave Copeland
Portland, Oregon
PS - you gotta do kung fu in a strong wind, it's the best. Elemental spirals correcting posture from honest fatigue.