wrist exercise..

I'd contact a doctor or physical therapist. They should be able to give you some exercises for both strength and flexability.

I don't know what to do about your physical problems as far as nerves and things go, but I do know some wrist exercises, they can be pretty hard core if you get too intense so exercise caution 1. sledgehammer levering go down to the hardware store and get a long handled 8lb sledgehammer, hold it horizontal with head facing away from you, slowly bring it to vertical. Monitor your progress by making marks on the handle. Look up sledgehammer levering on the internet and you will find more detail. also, wrist rollers, plate curls, and go to www.ironmind.com, they are wrist and grip specialists
I've never done clubbell or kettlebell exercises, but there is a whole group of folks to be found on the internet who take lower arm strength very seriously, with good reason in my opinion, because it is applicable to everything from every kind of martial arts, to increasing power lifts, to opening pesky jars. Lots of homemade implements one can make, good fun. An old strongman type thing is to take the sledgehammer, hold it out at the end of the handle, keeping your arm fully extended bring the head back slowly and touch your nose with it. No I can't do it, and it can lead, of course, to a broken nose.
Dear sir,

I believe I have a solution for you! You need what God has given you but are now lacking. When we eat fruits and vegitables raw we get a slew of nutition from them, such as enzymes. Enzymes are important for nearly every function in the human body. We can suppliment these with proteolytic oral enzymes. Completely safe and EXTREMELY effective. My suggestion would be to buy some Infla-Zyme Forte or another comperable brand (slightly more expensive) Wobenzyme. Athletes have used these for years in Europe. These will not mask pain but actually HEAL your tendonitis and or carpol tunnel syndrome.
Go to this website and you should be able to find them for a very fair price!

In HIS Steps,
Adam Brasel <><
TAKMA said:
Dear sir,

I believe I have a solution for you! You need what God has given you but are now lacking. When we eat fruits and vegitables raw we get a slew of nutition from them, such as enzymes. Enzymes are important for nearly every function in the human body. We can suppliment these with proteolytic oral enzymes. Completely safe and EXTREMELY effective. My suggestion would be to buy some Infla-Zyme Forte or another comperable brand (slightly more expensive) Wobenzyme. Athletes have used these for years in Europe. These will not mask pain but actually HEAL your tendonitis and or carpol tunnel syndrome.
Go to this website and you should be able to find them for a very fair price!

In HIS Steps,
Adam Brasel <><
There may be some dietary issues that can help with your overall health, including wrist issues, but I would be very very wary of thinking this stuff is going to be a magic pill. It just doesn't work that way. Get a medical opinion.

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