ive formed an opinion that most '' old '' people and by thar i means 50s onwards, dont want to do anything about their increasing ailments they just want to moan about themIt confounds me how little real, good physical therapy is not use First as a remedy to joint/bone issue. I love my Ortho but I know he is a bone cutter first so I cannot listen to all of his advise.
tell them they can sort their shoulders or knees out with a few months of effort ( and possibly discomfort) and they look at you like your mad, completely mad, for one reason amongst possibly many is they wont have anything to talk about
which is the reason i avoid the company of people my age, they are so negative about everything, they can spend hours competing asd to who jhas the worse shoulders, before moving on to complain about the youth of today, music TV Every b;oody thing is worse than when they were young
I bumped to an an old associate the other week, he looked like a beach ball, he told me about his gout, his bladder , his gout again, bad shoulders, his bad knees his diabetes, and i though for gods sake man sort yourself out your 58 not 88
then he set off about the youth of today all being wild, i couldn't believe my ears, he was a one man crime wave when he was 17, there wasnt a car or a motorbike stolen in 5 miles he wasnt involved in, there some definite karma involved in him keep having his car broken into
after 10 mins of winging i couldn't stand it any longer, god it was depressing so, i carried on my run whilst he hobbled off on his dodgy knees
i hate old people
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