Would you label this a spinning back kick or side kick or hybrid?

It would be determined by the vsub/time. The smaller the vsub the longer the time it would take to reach delta V.
Simpler said, the smaller the input the longer the time required.
Okay. But that doesn't seem to change my conclusion. If two bodies starting from the same situation experience the same acceleration, and one of them is under that acceleration longer, it will be going faster.
well im working from memory, im reasonaly certain thats what negative acceleration and posative velocity meant in 1981, when i was concerning myself with such things,

perhaps youd like to proffer an alternative explination of the term s and there interrelationship, rather than just snipe
Pretty sure it still doesn't say what you think it says.
Who was right?
That post sent before I finished writing for some reason, I think I hit post instead of the text box. Go back and read it again-jobo was right. It comes down to a difference in scientific vs. regular vernacular, for both the word deceleration, and the word speed.
thanks, iim not sure abybody has ever said that on here before, thanks for takibg the time
To be fair, I don't think most people admit they're wrong to anyone on here. Just figure out a way to change the argument to something else when they realize it.
Not necessary to refute a claim when the evidence he provided does that for me.

And I'll never stop being pretty. :D
have you bother to read your fellow mmoderaters post where he has agreed with me and posted considerable evidence to that effect? thought not!
Answer this bobo; Why are back kicks considered more powerful than side kicks? You may find the answer in the words used..
i answer that in one of the many factual posts youve ignored, its practically a back stamp, that uses the glutes( and the quads) far more efficiently,
i answer that in one of the many factual posts youve ignored, its practically a back stamp, that uses the glutes( and the quads) far more efficiently,

Which happens regardless of whether I spin or simply turn my back
Which happens regardless of whether I spin or simply turn my back
as ive said several times, the amount of extra energy from a spin is a low % of the total, as your changing vector,( direction) .

thats if it adds any at all, which is down to technique, ie acceleratibg through the spin rather than just spinning quickly

the more energy the kick has naturally , the less you gain in % terms from the spin kick
so your left with somethibg that doesbt add a great deal, but adds a lot of time and if you cant land it as he has moved, then there is no benifit, even a tiny one in doing it at all
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as ive said several times, the amount of extra energy from a spin is a low % of the total, as your changing vector,( direction) .

thats if it adds any at all, which is down to technique, ie acceleratibg through the spin rather than just spinning quickly

the more energy the kick has naturally , the less you gain in % terms from the spin kick
so your left with somethibg that doesbt add a great deal, but adds a lot of time

I just said regardless of whether I spin or not. I can't start from a position with my back towards the opponent. That would make no sense.
I just said regardless of whether I spin or not. I can't start from a position with my back towards the opponent. That would make no sense.
well you can if he is behibd you which happens quite a lot in real world fights, and hardly at all in sparring

other wise you have to turn to do a back kick, but thats a normal back kick, a spinning back kick is where you add extra spin. hence why they call it that

if your asking does the half turn make it mire enetgetic, then the same answer applies, maybe, a bit or maybe not
well you can if he is behibd you which happens quite a lot in real world fights, and hardly at all in sparring

other wise you have to turn to do a back kick, but thats a normal back kick, a spinning back kick is where you add extra spin. hence why they call it that

Then you agree that it is a back kick and not a side kick since I'm hardly spinning but I do turn around. Good. You refuted yourself.
He is a Karateka who thought that it was a back kick, probably because my back is turned to the target

I'm a karateka who thinks it's not a back kick because of the position of the leg and foot, the back will turn to the target in a number of spinning kicks, the act of spinning means your back will be to the target at some point hence the gentlemen arguing over the speed etc.
I don't know if that's a back kick in any other style, I'll stick to my 40 years experience in karate.
if your asking does the half turn make it mire enetgetic, then the same answer applies, maybe, a bit or maybe not

The half turn doesn't but the technique does, and the technique is usually drilled turning around rather than already standing with the back to the target

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