spinning back kick


Senior Master
Do you use the spinning back kick offensively? I know the back kick or spining back kick is used as a counter most of the times however I used it afther a left roundhouse kick, if the first kick does not land then I have the spining one on the way.

Do you use the spinning back kick offensively? I know the back kick or spining back kick is used as a counter most of the times however I used it afther a left roundhouse kick, if the first kick does not land then I have the spining one on the way.

Yes. Quite often I'll do roundhouse kick back kick or roundhouse kick, front step, back kick or cut kick back kick. Works well offensively as well as defensively.
Yes. But you have to set it up. You cannot just use it as most people are not going to just stand there and let you spin back kick them. andyjeffries gave some good ideas above and you can also use a slide up or shuffle up as well as the step and as a follow up that he mentioned. It is more of a follow up type kick than its' own attack if you think about it. You use some technique to get your opponent to move or kick then you follow up with the spin back kick or back kick.
I use the spinning back kick offensively all the time, but I rarely use it as a lead technique, it's too easy to telegraph as a lead technique in my opinion. I usually will do it as a followup to a hand technique or following a roundhouse kick.
I usually will do it as a followup to a hand technique or following a roundhouse kick.

The only thing I would say is, be wary of always doing it after a roundhouse kick in the same direction (e.g. left foot roundhouse kick, right foot back kick) because it makes it so easy to predict after a couple. That's why I like to sometimes do roundhouse, step forward, back kick (so the pivoting direction changes).
At tournaments I see a good number of them thrown but not many score. Those who use them well don't telegraph it and have practiced enough to make it quick and on-target. Good stance recovery after the kick is vital--or you will get hit back.
Do you use the spinning back kick offensively? I know the back kick or spining back kick is used as a counter most of the times however I used it afther a left roundhouse kick, if the first kick does not land then I have the spining one on the way.

Like others said, generally back kick is a defensive kick. You can use it offensively though in certain situations. You have someone pinned against the edge of the ring and the next kyong go would result in a point deduction for example. In that case you can try a cut kick or cut step jump back kick combination or if they are approaching the boundary, maybe narabang back kick to cover the distance.