Would you label this a spinning back kick or side kick or hybrid?

well people do use it incorrectly, unfortunely your one of them

deceleration is said to occure when velocity and acceleration and in different directions, ie one is postertive and one negative.

the scenrio you give is, one way round, however negative acceleration and posertive velocity, the case im giving also counts as deceleration
While I'm about 99% sure you're wrong, will doublecheck when i get home from work to make sure before arguing.
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Saying ITF encyclopedia is far less inclusive than TaeKwonDo encyclopedia. It is the encyclopedia of an affiliation that accounts for somewhere around 10-15% of all TKD schools in the world, and I might be generous with those figures. Their world competitions have no international broadcasting, the talent pool is weak, and public awareness of the style is non existent.
well people do use it incorrectly, unfortunely your one of them

deceleration is said to occure when velocity and acceleration and in different directions, ie one is postertive and one negative.

the scenrio you give is, one way round, however negative acceleration and posertive velocity, the case im giving also counts as deceleration
You are hilarious.
falling a 100ft probebly doesnt hurt at all, youl likely be dead faster than your nervious system can react

second your premise is flawed, an object in free fall doesnt accelerate, constantly or beyobd a certain point at all, that nomilarly about three seconds for a human to reach terminal velocity,, you have most certianly started to decelerate before you hit the floor
It takes closer to 12 seconds to reach terminal velocity. I am not certain what you would call a body hitting the floor but it would decelerate really really steep.
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Did I miss the part of your post that said that something under acceleration for a longer period wouldn't have a higher final velocity as a result?
It would be determined by the vsub/time. The smaller the vsub the longer the time it would take to reach delta V.
Simpler said, the smaller the input the longer the time required.
To be clear, it doesn’t matter to me what style Taekwondo the instructor is from. It was clear from the video at least to me that the instructor was talking about ITF Taekwondo and the ITF encyclopedia. I simply find it needless to concern myself with details that have little to no bearing on the technique. I’d have the same opinion if a Kukkiwon instructor did that.

I don’t remember ever doing a back kick when I learned ITF forms, so where does bent knee ready stance come into play?

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There are 2 "Bending Ready Stances" "A" and "B" he shows this in the Video. A is for the Side Piercing Kick and B is for the Back Piercing Kick. A first appears in Won Hyo. B first appears in appears in Ko Dang and Ju Che. (With Ju Che having replaced Ju Che in .some official ITF curriculums but still done by some.
I don’t think that says what you think it says.
well im working from memory, im reasonaly certain thats what negative acceleration and posative velocity meant in 1981, when i was concerning myself with such things,

perhaps youd like to proffer an alternative explination of the term s and there interrelationship, rather than just snipe
I posted it with the label spinning back kick on another forum

First reply: "indeed it is", from a Karate expert.

This is starting to look controversial:)

From a karate point of view, indeed it's not. A back kick, as someone has already said would have the knee facing down and the foot wouldn't be 'on it's side' as in a side kick'.

I wouldn't say it's controversial always interesting how different styles see things though. Not sure why a karate definition would be useful on a TKD post though.
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Deceleration Formula

Deceleration is the opposite of acceleration. It is the rate at which an object slows down. Deceleration is the final velocity minus the initial velocity, with a negative sign in the result because the velocity is dropping. The formula for acceleration can be used, recognizing that the final result must have a negative sign.

deceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time

If you have initial velocity, final velocity, and distance traveled:

deceleration = final velocity² - initial velocity² / distance²
its very easy, particularly if your not kicking people very often or at all, to get abstracted from the purpise of a kick into the form of the kick, with out necessarily considering it purpose as prime.

and 5hats the way this is going.

the purpose of a kick is first to make contact, if that dorsnt happen any thing else is irelivant , and then to hurt them or at least cause enough worry about hurt to distract them whilst you do something else

the problem with spin kicks in general and this one in particular, is the extra movement substanialy reduces the likelyhood of making contract whilst not giving much if any extra umph and extra umph is no use if you dont make contqct.

so the whole question of is this a good spin kick need to be considered against, why are you doing a spin kick at all

if as seems likely its because of deficiences in his side kick or is it a back kick ? then thats the anwer right there,

now my hip issues means there, are some kicks i cant do, either at all or at least with any thing like good form enough to hurt , so i dont, they are dangerous to me
and other kicks that i do that arnt at all in the karate manual, that i do, just and only because they fit the criteria above

this had lead to some intresting chats with my instructor and other senior students about if they are really poor form karate or not karate at all, i care little, do they hit and do they hurt, yes, they will do for me
From a lumen learning course
Deceleration always refers to acceleration in the direction opposite to the direction of the velocity. Deceleration always reduces speed.
This is the one I had read earlier, and had misinterpreted. Seems like you're right-deceleration does not require velocity to start going into the negative direction, just speed. So falling, and decreasing the rate of your velocity increase in the fall, is considered deceleration. I did see, though, in a couple of the sites I went to, that they state this is the scientific definition of the word, and in general vernacular decelerate refers to a decrease in velocity as well.

But I'm pretty sure you guys were talking about physics before I jumped in.
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