I'm not sure if it has more acceleration or not, but even if it had the same acceleration (I assume we're talking about average acceleration over the entire movement, to preclude the idea of the acceleration ceasing earlier), and was traveling a longer distance, then (assuming the same static start), it would have to have higher velocity, because it would be under acceleration longer. If it has more acceleration and a longer distance, it has to have a higher velocity at the end.
we are likely to get lost in defintions, again,
ate we talking about back kicks or his back kick?
back kick are a lot more energetic than side kicks largly because of the muscles in volved, in particular your activating the glutes to a greater extent,and any back kick were your facing the tarket has a degree if spin in it.
the issue with his " back kick" is the orintatuon of the leg dorsnt fire the glutes much, so he is robbing him self od energy. coz urs a side kick
what he is tryibg to do is to put that energy back with extra spin.
which he may be doibg to a small degree .
there will definelty be tranfer od momentum into the kick, but how much and is this suffibt to make up for the time lost in doibg the spin? its fine if your kick a static target, or in his case air, less clear cut, if the guys goibg to move, forwards to take yoyr back or out of range, if he did that against me( at that speed ) id take him down, if i had the slightest clue that what he was intending, and if i niss times abd got hit, its not the end of the world as im a lot closer than what he was aiming at and there is little power in it, and im still in range with forward momentum
the lissue with the acceleration is( mostly) its in the wrong vector, so the best he is getting centrafugal force accelerating his leg faster and he not spinnibg that fast its a notable amount
he would be far better going bqck to basics and lrarnibg the kick than yrying to get points for artistic impression
DC, who is a tkdexspert and an international class competitor,told him uts wrong, im more likely to go with him,than random peopke imon you tube