Would you fight back against a knifeman?

rmcpeek said:
I've practiced and taught many knife techniques. The best advice is, if you can, run. There is no shame in getting away to safety.

If, on the other hand, you have absolutely no choice, then and only then would I personally take on the attacker.

The number one rule when fighting someone with a knife is, "You're gonna get cut".
With a knife attacker, there is usually verbal or circumstances leading to the attack. It is on rare occasions (esp where I had resided) that someone will just "out-of-the-blue" attack with a knife.
47MartialMan said:
With a knife attacker, there is usually verbal or circumstances leading to the attack. It is on rare occasions (esp where I had resided) that someone will just "out-of-the-blue" attack with a knife.

True. Yet...it happens. One must be prepared for that too! It depends whetehr the attacker just wants your cash, or--as in a prison envirnoment--truly wants to hurt you.
bignick said:
i question the validity of this statement...but there is some truth to what he says...i highly doubt the ability of anyone to control a groin shot...to avoid it...yes...guys are trained from birth to protect that area..and we can cross our legs at the speed of light to avoid taking a shot there...

however...in a real life fight situation...your body goes into fight or flight response as we all know...but one of the things the body does is the scrotum pulls up to help protect the testicles...in this position...if you get kicked in the groin...the testicles may just get kicked up into the body...which hurts...but isn't nearly as debilatating as a normal groin shot...not to mention the effects of adrenaline overriding pain....

but, yes...for a guy to stand there and take a shot to the groin and not start crying is doubtable...

When i was in my teens i was involved in a fight, 1/2 way through i was grabbed by his 2 mates and held back whilst being kicked in the groin 4 or 5 times......the pain was imense, but with the adrenalin working over time i managed to fight them off for about 10 more minutes......then the pain kicked in and i collapsed...luckily no surgery was needed, but i was bruised for a week or so........a groin attack is used effectively only if its part of a more thorough attack/defence
Kane said:
However, would these attacks work in real life.


Kane said:
Would a good kick to the groin really stun a dude with a knife making enough time to run or fight back? I know many men that can control themselves when they get kicked in the groin. Would be long enough to escape a stab or slit to the throat?

IMHO, Don't count on it, probably an emphatic no!

Kane said:
How about an elbow to the head, would you do it?

No, I wouldn't. That is too much movement. The throat would be slit before you made contact. If the attacker was committed of course.

Kane said:
So do you think it would be better to do with the man says if he caught you blind-eyed with a knife?

IMHO, you have a 50/50 chance. However, I am inclined to not trust them, since, they are being less than trustworthy attacking you. So you have no assurances that the attacker still won't cut your throat even if you comply.

Kane said:
How about fighting a knifeman? Do you think disarming techniques are practical or is it better to run?
It all depends on the situation. The main thing is to immediately destroy their balance, spinal alignment, and body structure while not getting cut. We have done a lot of unarmed against knife attack (knife to the throat, etc). There are many things to do, but the biggest thing is to not telegraph your intentions.

Kane said:
What do you think about all of this?
I think taking a scene from the movies is well sort of silly. It is difficult to say what I would do, it all depends on the situation. In some situations, running might be the best option. But I certainly don't think running is an option if the knife is against your throat, so I think either you must comply or do something or a combination of both.

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