Would you fight back against a knifeman?

there's a difference between someone who intends on killing you...in which case you won't see the weapon until it way too late, if at all....and a robbery situation where the person wishes to intimidate you into compliance by brandishing the knife

the first situation...you're a goner...

the second situation...it depends...if i honestly feel that all the person wants is my money...they got it, if i feel that it's going to move onto bigger and badder things...i may not win...but i'd do my damn best to see that he's coming with me...

this sounds like big tough guy talk...well...i'm not a not a big tough guy...this is just the truth..if i felt my life in serious danger, i'm gonna fight back...

one thing my sensei has recommended to the self defense class he teaches at the university is taking all those pre-approved credit cards and stuff you get and cutting out the name...putting them in a billfold with about 5 bucks and throwing that so the attacker will hopefully go for the "money" and will also have no way of identifying you...
In a Knife fight the key is preparing yourself mentally that you will be cut and there will be some pain and blood coming out of your body and or the attackers body.

Once you have prepared yourself mentally and emotionally for this (requires specialized training) you will be able to focus on disarming the attacker once the fight has started. Additionally if you feel the need to protect yourself there is body armour that is available that protects aganist stabbing attacks.
Escape should be the first option that is looked for and excecuted if possible. If not, then control of the weapon is imperitive. It really dosent matter if you kick them in the groin or elbow them in the head, you can still be cut or stabbed during the action. However if you are able to grab hold of the weapon hand or arm, and break one of their joints they will no longer be able to use the weapon in that hand against you. I would only fight if it were the absolute last option.
My theory is I donÂ’t look for trouble, in fact I usually will step out of troubles way or offer to buy it a beer if I happened to be in its way. That being said - If someone comes at me with a knife I would make sure they did not do it to someone else down the road.
Kane said:
1)Okay, you see it in Martial Art movies all the time. A bad guy grabs a knife or Chinese Broadsword and grabs from behind and says "If you move I will slit your throat!" The hero Martial Artists then does a back kick to the groin, elbow to the head, snapemare the man, ect. However, would these attacks work in real life.

2)Would a good kick to the groin really stun a dude with a knife making enough time to run or fight back? I know many men that can control themselves when they get kicked in the groin. Would be long enough to escape a stab or slit to the throat?

3)How about an elbow to the head, would you do it? If you don't hit the guy hard enough to escape he will get you hard with the knife. Even ad snapmare (head throw). If you don't throw them with enough force they will yet again get with the knife. So do you think it would be better to do with the man says if he caught you blind-eyed with a knife? Not sure whether I would, but it might be safer.

4)How about fighting a knifeman? Do you think disarming techniques are practical or is it better to run?

What do you think about all of this?


1) I assume you are talking about an atack from behind here with the guys arm around your throat and knife laying against the other side of your throat?

In this case I don't think a bring of the leg up to kick the groin is the best idea. Giving him your wallet this is a better course of action. But if you have to fight back because you believe your going die anyway I would first move try and control the arm/hand with the knife then fight on.

2) I've seen in demonstrations "Hard KI" where guys take full power kicks to the groin, but I don't think the average robber is into that, so yes I think a good old kick to the groin would work to stun the guy. However again it depends on the position you and him are in at the time, if I would even attempt one. Remeber if you are to far away and he can see the kick coming you might get your foot/leg stabbed in the process.

3) Going back to the first situation again I would have a hard time elbowing a person from this position since his arm would probably blocking my arm, however do I believe the elbow to the head is a good technique that might stun a guy and allow me to get away? Given once again the right circumstances (body positions) I think so.

4) Run away...... Actually I wouldn't want to fight a knife wielding attacker without a gun, long stick or something else to keep him at bay.

actually...i believe the statistic for being shot if you run from someone with a gun is around 6-8%...and the chances of hitting something vital are even less...
Zepp said:

I carry a knife, but I'd still rather run than be forced to close the distance with a knife-wielding attacker. There'd have to be some reason I'm forced to engage.
Carrying a knife is not enough, you have to know your city laws, and also how to USE YOUR KNIFE. Have you tried opening a folder under an adrenaline dump? it is ****ing HARD to do. Try it and see what the out come is. He best way is to open the knife in your pocket if you knew you were going to need it, cause during the heat of battle he's gonna be busy trying to gut you, and you will most likely not get the chance to draw your knife cause you are busy controlling the weapon hand.

Don't forget to "foil the draw" of your attacker if you are within range.

Also find out what the quick kill targets are, the bleeder targets are, and the immobilization targets are...if you know these and train to attack these vital parts, you will have a better chance.

Also remember there is no such thing as a knife FIGHT...rather, it is an assassination
If it all possible, I'd get my *** out of there.I was attacked by a guy with a knife before and its the second scariest attack that's happened to me.The 1st was a psycho using a shard of broken glass from a beer bottle.That was pretty damn terrifying!Anyway,the groin kick will work, but you have to move in and neutralise his knife-hand too.In my case after the kick I grabbed his wrist and pivoted in past his guard,ramming an elbow up into his nose.Then I did my best the snap his wrist!It was only afterwards I realised how bloody risky that was.I never wanna be in that position again!
Again, depending on how the knifeman presented himself is how I would ascertain whether or not I would fight back.

If the knife wielder gave a presence of professionalism and experience, than I would just simply try to get away as fast as possible.

But if he acted like an egotistical idiot who was waving his knife around just trying to scare you and impress himself, then I would have a go and fight back.

So it all depends on reading the knifeman's demeanor correctly.
Kane said:
However, would these attacks work in real life...
What do you think about all of this?
I think this is a 27 ninjas question. To whit, by the time you have gotten yourself into this situation, you are either the star of a kung fu flick (and are thus almost assured of victory) or you have made a great deal of quite silly mistakes.

If I found myself in that extremely unlikely scenario, I would probably go along with the knifeman until I saw an appropriate opening. With the knife pressed tightly at your throat, you are very limited.

If I was attacked by a knife weilding assailant, I would probably run, or just hand over my wallet. There is very little to be gained from fighting these people. It often pays, if you think you are likely to be mugged, to carry a spare wallet or bill-fold to toss away as bait. When the mugger picks it up, you run like crazy.

Unavoidable phsycal confrontation is a extreme, and like any extreme, it takes time and effort to get there. Avoid that time and effort, and you avoid the fight.
Sure, I would kick him square in the groin and watch him fall over. Then I would place my foot on his body and stand triumphantly over him with my chest puffed out :btg: . ..... Seriously though a trained knife fighter would be a challenge and if you can tactically retreat that may be a wise option. For a brief moment when facing off against this knife wielding maniac you dont have many options available to you.

In law enforcement though you may not have the option of retreat and you may have to deal with the situation which may call for the use of deadly force. Hopefully a peaceable solution can be found. I've seen a situation where a drug addicted individual was in the middle of a busy intersection with a large kitchen knife. This individual had some serious mental issues as he was stabbing himself and threatening to stab anyone that came near him.

Less than lethal methods did not work on him and the situation was escalating to a point that officer safety was in peril. The end result of this situation was tragic. The individual lunged at officers with the knife and the threat was nuetralized. The bottom line is go home safe.

No, and I would run if there is a chance too! We practice 10 different knife defense technics,and most of the time we get cut(rubber knife), or lose our life. What happen's when the adrenline kicks in? Will we think straight?

Second point..the attacker does not care about you, if he kills you or not. There thinking is not like normal people,Why carry a knife? Because he feel he needs too.

Think of the people who use the knife at you as an assassin! You may or may not notice the knife untill to late...! Once they pull it,they will use it on you.

Our number 10, knife defence is RUN. works all the time! never loss yet

Mahalo and Aloha from Hawaii
still learning said:
No, and I would run if there is a chance too!

I agree. Running is the best option, if its an option.

We practice 10 different knife defense technics,and most of the time we get cut(rubber knife), or lose our life. What happen's when the adrenline kicks in? Will we think straight?

Thats why during training, it should be as realistic as you can make it. Now, I'm not saying train with a real knife, but use a marker, or a training blade with something such as lipstick on the edges, so you can see the 'cuts' as they happen. By putting your mind in that stressfull situation, you'll be better prepared for the real thing!

Second point..the attacker does not care about you, if he kills you or not. There thinking is not like normal people,Why carry a knife? Because he feel he needs too.

Not necessarily true. Just because a weapon is implied or shown does not mean that it'll always be used. Alot of times its the intimidation factor, and thats what they're hoping for.

Think of the people who use the knife at you as an assassin! You may or may not notice the knife untill to late...! Once they pull it,they will use it on you.

See above.

Our number 10, knife defence is RUN. works all the time! never loss yet


You always fight back against a knife attacker.

Running is fighting. Fighting for your life.

Talking them down is fighting. Fighting for your life.

Swerving out the way to avoid being cut is fighting.

Punching them in the gut so hard they don't get back up is also fighting. And if you're desperate, because running and talking have failed or are likely to fail, then you're desperate.

I've done all four in my time and I'm still alive to tell the story.

And I've been practising my running. :)
Working against knives and firarms is a specific skill that most styles do not address. If this kind of work interests you seek out people and styles that have the training methods that can teach you what you want.

When working against either weapon the first thing you must do before considering any form of strike is to protect yourself from the immediate threat. There are ways of moving that will take the blade away from your neck. Until recently I had clips of this kind of work on my site.

I do however have some work against pistol clips. In this clip the range is very short. However you can see how the initial movement is designed to take the body out of the way of the the line of fire.

On this clip there is work against stabs. Again you can see that the first thing to be considered is to avoid the direction of the thrust or to move in such away that the knife is diverted out of the way.

It is possible to work against both types of threat, but it does have dangers associated with it, but so does doing nothing. The choice is yours.

Paul Genge

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