Would Having a Third Major U.S. Polituical Party Help?

I just don't think most people are really tired of this yet. They won't vote 3rd party because they just are not bothered enough yet.
And the two dominant parties have locked the electoral process up, and make it damned hard for any of the other parties to get a seat at the table. At best, they end up at the equivalent of the kid's table...

Perhaps we should be more specific, the special interest groups have locked the two party system into place. The major players in our democracy have ossified their system of accessing power.
And the two dominant parties have locked the electoral process up, and make it damned hard for any of the other parties to get a seat at the table.

Very true. I'd like to see some of those laws challenged in court by third parties.
I just don't think most people are really tired of this yet. They won't vote 3rd party because they just are not bothered enough yet.

There's truth to this too--habit and not feeling enough that it affects them, or that they can affect it.
The US used to have 3 major parties. But the Federalists lost their power after some ill conceived gun control laws. My how times have changed.
Both the Libertarian and Green parties have repeatedly sued for inclusion in the Infomercials, err I mean the "debates".
In 2004 Green Party candidate David Cobb and Libertarian candidate Michael Badnarik were arrested seeking entry to the debates.
In 2012 Jill Stein and Cheri Honkala, the Green presidential and vice-presidential nominees were likewise arrested for attempting to gain access to the debates.

Until these farces are ended and legitimate 3rd parties such as the Libertarian and Green parties are allowed to participate, most people will continue to believe they must continue to vote for evil.
Honestly, my opinion is that we need like 10 viable parties, where no one party would have the numbers necessary to form a sole majority in Congress. That way, they would have to work together and could only push through any legislation by working together and forming coalitions.
Although diversity is good, too much can lead to total instability. Look at the post war political history of Italy. They had 61 changes of government between 1946 and 1994. It hasn't been much better since then either.
Most voters don't care about politics. They vote Republican or democrat because that what they always do. They don't know what either party even stands for.

I don't think that is coincidental. The obfuscation of every candidates agenda has been a primary goal of the marketing of candidates for decades. As long as the majority of us are willing to settle for infomercials (As alluded to by Bob) and nebulous "feel good" talking points we will never pin down the core agendas of any party. As it currently stands; alternative parties provide talking points and more focused platforms in some cases but don't seem to grab the attention of enough of the rank and file vote to get elected in numbers that are meaningful in the legislature. So is it that campaigning with a transparent platform turns off too many potential supporters or big budget advertising allows the major parties to marginalize the message of alternative parties, or a combination of those factors and others?
Both the Libertarian and Green parties have repeatedly sued for inclusion in the Infomercials, err I mean the "debates".
In 2004 Green Party candidate David Cobb and Libertarian candidate Michael Badnarik were arrested seeking entry to the debates.
In 2012 Jill Stein and Cheri Honkala, the Green presidential and vice-presidential nominees were likewise arrested for attempting to gain access to the debates.

Until these farces are ended and legitimate 3rd parties such as the Libertarian and Green parties are allowed to participate, most people will continue to believe they must continue to vote for evil.

I'm unfamiliar with this story, so what does "attempting to gain access" mean? Were they arrested for putting their names on ballots or trying to sneak onto the podiums?
Perhaps we should be more specific, the special interest groups have locked the appearance of a two party system into place. The major players in our democracy have ossified their system of accessing power.

There. I think that is now a more accurate statement.
I'm unfamiliar with this story, so what does "attempting to gain access" mean? Were they arrested for putting their names on ballots or trying to sneak onto the podiums?
Almost. Rand Paul and Gary Johnson were notably excluded from many national debates in 2012, regardless of whether they had met the requirements for an invitation.
I'm unfamiliar with this story, so what does "attempting to gain access" mean? Were they arrested for putting their names on ballots or trying to sneak onto the podiums?

The special interest group that runs the Presidential Infomercials want nothing to do with a real debate, so have made an agreement with the GOP and DNC to exclude all 3rd parties.

The first report from St. Louis is in - and presidential candidates Michael Badnarik (Libertarian) and David Cobb (Green Party) were just arrested. Badnarik was carrying an Order to Show Cause, which he intended to serve the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD). Earlier today, Libertarians attempted to serve these same papers at the Washington, D.C. headquarters of the CPD - but were stopped from approaching the CPD office by security guards.

Fred Collins reported to me from the ground that Badnarik and Cobb are in great physical condition and great spirit.
The debate things kinda tricky since you have to draw the line some where you cant have 30 people trying to debate you won't get enough time to talk. But I do think more then just the big two should be involved. I also would like to see more debates then two or three. Hell they start campaigning 2 years before the election it seems like so they can add a few more debates in the mix.
The debate things kinda tricky since you have to draw the line some where you cant have 30 people trying to debate you won't get enough time to talk. But I do think more then just the big two should be involved. I also would like to see more debates then two or three. Hell they start campaigning 2 years before the election it seems like so they can add a few more debates in the mix.

They fear debates. Saying anything that goes off script risks turning off voters. Having additional debaters increases the odds that they will be drawn off script. IMHO John McCain actually had this fear hurt him in the debates. He has always been known as a maverick and his tenacious focus on staying on message made him appear like a Republican Party lackey. The politicians seem so intent on keeping their offices that they are no longer willing to stand on principles and ideas that may actually define them. The voter is left with what amounts to a blind choice among media sound bites and programmed messages.
Any candidate who can have a chance of winning the electorial college should be allowed in the debates. The GOP and DNC are locked in, and even when they miss legal deadlines for filing (as they did in TX in 2004 resulting in both of their candidates being on the ticket illegally), they get a pass for admission. The other 2 parties who have consistently shown they can enough signatures to have a chance at winning are the Libertarian and Green parties. Both deserve the same chance to advertise. And who knows, making it a 4 way dance might make it an actual debate.
The debate things kinda tricky since you have to draw the line some where you cant have 30 people trying to debate you won't get enough time to talk. But I do think more then just the big two should be involved. I also would like to see more debates then two or three. Hell they start campaigning 2 years before the election it seems like so they can add a few more debates in the mix.

I would like to see some ACTUAL debating, not being asked questions and given opportunities to present speeches. Ain't gonna happen anytime soon, though. We're stuck in the soundbite/opinion poll approach, and I think it's only going to get worse.
I would like to see some ACTUAL debating, not being asked questions and given opportunities to present speeches. Ain't gonna happen anytime soon, though. We're stuck in the soundbite/opinion poll approach, and I think it's only going to get worse.

Another thing i would like to see is more candidates telling me why i should vote for them rather than why i should not vote for their opposition.

Yeah, it's theater not debate.

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