U.S. Headed Down the Wrong Track??

Is the US headed down the wrong track? Maybe.
If it is, it is because of the Lack of leadership President Bush has exercised, aside from the war on terror. He allowed Congress to run amok, rather than vetoing things he damned well should have. He stood silent on too many occasions. His inactions are far more damning than his actions.
Meanwhile, we have American Cities violating and enabling others to violate Federal Law (Sanctuary Cities) with NO meaningful action by the government to rectify the situation.

Ye gawds and little fishes.

Congress gave Bush everything he asked for from 2001 right up until the middle of 2007. He passed darned near every bill he wanted. When the Democrats had the House and Senate they couldn't pass anything with less than 60% thank you very much. And even then he's gotten more of his bills passed without changes than his Daddy or Bill Clinton.

Your sort got exavtly what you wanted. With the Supreme Court, the Senate and the House in his pocket and with Presidential power unsurpassed since at least the early 19th century this was just about the purest expression of one Party getting exactly what it wanted. The Democratic Congress under the early Clinton Administration opposed him a fair bit. The Republicans under Dubya have always marched in lock-step. Dissent has been completely purged from the Party. The Decider Decided. What he Decided became Law. Congress went along with it for about seven uninterrupted years.

What more do you need to stop the Republican whining about how unfair it all is? G-d Almighty and the Devil standing behind your Commander Guy and saying "We will smite anyone who even thinks of disagreeing with Him"?
What is the wrong track? Is there some predefined correct track? The question was incredibly vague. Are we going down the wrong track politically with our role in the world? Are we going down the wrong track economically? Are we going down the wrong track morally? Two people can look at the same person (Bush) and say he is going down the wrong track. One can say he is too liberal, one can say he is too conservative, but both see him going down the "wrong track".

This is more of a measure of optimism. I don't think this is an edict against any particular policy or stance. The question is way too vague to have that kind of meaning. I think our country is going down the wrong track, but I imagine that statement from me implies a lot different things than the same statement from other members here.

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