Wing Chun in the car.

mook jong man

Senior Master
Just as a change of pace from the groundfighting discussions I want to hear your thoughts on being able to apply your WC / WT techniques whilst being seated in your car and the aggressor is trying to punch , kick , grab , stab or club you with an implement through your open window.

You can't drive off , your are stuck in grid locked traffic and you haven't had time to open the door and get out into a ready position . Don't say pull out your tactical folder or your 357 magnum , in Australia we are not allowed to have such weapons .

I have thought about this situation a little bit and I have been trying to think of the ways of using the car interior to augment my defence , mostly they consist of capturing the attacking limb off a Pak Sau , Dai Sau or other deflection , striking and then forcing the limb down against the door frame , pillar or the door frame near the windscreen , trying to break the limb or at least cause extreme pain .

What are your views on this and what techniques would you use ?
Excellent what you said I have often Thought about...

If I am in that Situtation I can not drive Off. I usually try to cross arm grab my opponents right arm with my Right arm...

Then pin it to steering wheel while still holding it...I will then try to push the elbow forward an pull the wrist backwards to snap the elbow if possible...

By pinning the Arm to steering wheel you create and opening for you punch with your left arm in the face or side of body. You can jab the neck with finger strike or knuckle strike if the assailant tries to lean down whilst trying to escape...

With the Arm pinned he can not hit you with is left hand but you have free hand to break his arm or hit...If he is tall enough I will also try to grab his nuts pull and twist as hard as I can. In my car I keep a Metal screw driver that is long like a two inches or more on the side door. Also I have my ice scraper and I also have a rusty box cutter i can reach with my left hand while hand is still on the steering wheel. I know its really short because when I use to work at Taco Bell I dropped it one day...It barely touch my finger and split it took about 20 minutes to stop the its a nasty weapon...its an industrial box cutter that means its made out of steel...No Plastic at all so it makes a good over all weapon to strike with...In the body with screw driver or his arm with screw driver possibly the face and neck...Depending on how I am feeling at the time...A vice versa with the screw driver...or the fountain pen in my pocket...

When I pin his arm on steering wheel If I am in public place I will try to blow the horn if possible to get attention...

If he escape and runs...soon as I drive its time to mow the grass with him...In voluntary manslaugther time...

But thats me I don't advocate doing that unless you have friends who police officers and got family who works in Law and Enforement and friends who are big shot lawyers...

But the Pin can be applied by Gum Sau to grab or Pak sau to grab...Twisting your body forward to gain contact with his bridge then turning an pulling the assailiant in the car where his neck and shoulder are expose to your left hand,box cutter or screw driver...I keep Dark weapons also under the seat as well sometimes in glove compartmet or under the radio which can not be seen well by naked eye since they blend in.

These are some tactics I thought about but never had to actually use them!
I'm Australian also, so I drive from the right hand side and will describe it from this aspect.

To my way of thinking a some what shortened/cramped bong sao is called for, trapping the assailants arm (left or right) up against the top of the door. This can be done even if the punch conects with your head because in such cases the his/her arm will remain at least partially through the open window. Larping with the left transitioning into a wrist grab, drop the bong and grab near the elbow with your right. As forcefully and as violently as possibly, pull the arm as far into the car, to your left, as you can. This should drive the would be attackers face, jaw first, into the reinforced section of your car above the door. Remember to keep the arm high, if you pull downward you will pull your oponent into the car with you.

Repeat this as necessary then open the door while still maintaing a grip on the arm which should still be in the window. Finish the job from here or leaver the arm back against the door frame with one hand and call the cops with the other.

Yeah I just looked at that and it had some good stuff , but I guess what I am after is more along the lines of specific Wing Chun techniques and not using weapons , but thanks anyway.
Just as a change of pace from the groundfighting discussions I want to hear your thoughts on being able to apply your WC / WT techniques whilst being seated in your car and the aggressor is trying to punch , kick , grab , stab or club you with an implement through your open window.

You can't drive off , your are stuck in grid locked traffic and you haven't had time to open the door and get out into a ready position . Don't say pull out your tactical folder or your 357 magnum , in Australia we are not allowed to have such weapons .

I have thought about this situation a little bit and I have been trying to think of the ways of using the car interior to augment my defence , mostly they consist of capturing the attacking limb off a Pak Sau , Dai Sau or other deflection , striking and then forcing the limb down against the door frame , pillar or the door frame near the windscreen , trying to break the limb or at least cause extreme pain .

What are your views on this and what techniques would you use ?
Most of by blocks or redirects are useable. The first limb through my window should be blocked and contained. If it is far enough in the window, with the elbow past the window frame, turn that limb, elbow down, and strike it against the bottom or side frame. From there, grab higher on the arm, lapel or shoulder and pull them into the car body. If they are standing high they will hopefully hit their head somewhere on the car. If I am successful at this point, I will open my door forcefully pushing them back, and I will exit, and escape. If I exit the vehicle to soon all the above will happen to me. I had a car pull up to me on the street one time and words were said, and the occupant was very aggressive, and went to step out of his car. On the other side of the coin, when his door opened and his leg hit the ground I slammed his door into him catching his leg, and hitting his head into his own door. From that point I made my retreat.
its very hard to open a car door against resistance, and as seasoned points out the act of getting out can leave you vulnerable, i think the initial response would be a bong sau to push the attackers arm towards the steering wheel then grab the wrist and try to apply a wrist lock or maybe break their thumb or a couple of fingers if you can, if all else fails take a bite out of their arm
Most of by blocks or redirects are useable. The first limb through my window should be blocked and contained. If it is far enough in the window, with the elbow past the window frame, turn that limb, elbow down, and strike it against the bottom or side frame. From there, grab higher on the arm, lapel or shoulder and pull them into the car body. If they are standing high they will hopefully hit their head somewhere on the car. If I am successful at this point, I will open my door forcefully pushing them back, and I will exit, and escape. If I exit the vehicle to soon all the above will happen to me. I had a car pull up to me on the street one time and words were said, and the occupant was very aggressive, and went to step out of his car. On the other side of the coin, when his door opened and his leg hit the ground I slammed his door into him catching his leg, and hitting his head into his own door. From that point I made my retreat.

You might not be a Wing Chun man Seasoned , but you sure as hell think like one .
I have been in that situation at one time. Didn't know WC well at the time just 6 months into it, then just Kempo, Judo, MCMAP.
I just got into my car after paying and filling it up, when all of a sudden my car was boxed in. My girlfriend's ex-boyfriend jumps in on the passenger side and tried to wrestle me in the car. I broke free of his grip and started pounding his face in. He tried getting away, but I kept pulling him back and hitting him in the face. I hoped out of the car went to the passenger's side pulled him out and started pounding him more then kicked him when he was down. His other friends tried to jump in, but they all got beaten down to. When the cops arrived, I was the only one standing and not a mark on me, so then I was arrested for assualt. Went to court and the judge dismissed the case when he saw it was 5 on 1.
Thats what I am talking beat the ****...Fools trying to jump on you...Because he mad his girl left him...Serves them right...Weak lames need to stop trying to fight over Women they with!

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