Wing Chun Forum

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
This forum is dedicated to the art of Wing Chun. This forum is not affiliated with any organization, association or particular lineage. The goal is to provide a platform for the free and easy exchange of accurate and unbiased information about Wing Chun.

We invite all students, teachers, practitioners, researchers and those just simply interested in the art to join in the discussion with questions, answers and random thoughts.

Is the description of this forum adequate?

-MT Admin-

Seems ok to me. You could expand upon by talking about skeletal alignment, sensitivity, no over-committed techniques and such like, but the more u say the more it will be debated.
hi i am new to wing chun and am finding it very exciting have been training it for about 6 months and really like its close quarter aspects and sensitivity training
Hi -- can anyone recommend a wing chun school in NJ? I'd like to visit as many as reasonably possible before joining. Thanks for your help.
Hi -- can anyone recommend a wing chun school in NJ? I'd like to visit as many as reasonably possible before joining. Thanks for your help.

Hi.I'm new to this forum...My first post here. I'm a Wing Chun Instructor in NJ.I've been training in Wing Chun for 25 years. Right Now I teach private and semi private. If you like more information my email is [email protected] you can also visit my website for information at I also hold a class in NYC on Sundays with a small group of guys.
What I love about WC is its free flowing fighting techniques that allow you to flow from one to another. The utilization of one structure instead of brute force and aggressive close range attacks both kicks and hands are extremely impressive to me!
I have trained in Shotokan, and Shorin Ryu most of my MA experience is in okinawan karate, but after some research i am convinced Kung Fu is much better, and i agree, WC seems much more realistic in a real world 'street fighting' situation, better at close range.. I am really enjoying it!
I have a question for any wing chun teacher or some one who knows how to answer this question how can you relax in a fight or sparring match when have a hard time sensing what the other person is doing.

It would be best that you create a new thread for this as you have posted in a sticky.

However I would say you need to practice concentrating on your breathing while doing Sil Lim Tao and concentrate on how relaxed you feel.

In James W. DeMile's book, Power Punch (1 inch and 3 inch punch) there is a section on relaxing. It pretty much tells you to meditate and self hypnotise. So while you are in a relaxed state you repeat to yourself somthing along the lines of every time I say the word relax I will remember how I feel right now and instantly go back to this feeling.

You want to try the same in Sil Lim Tao. Relax and concentrate on your breathing. When you feel very calm you want to remember it and when it comes to sparring tell yourself to relax and go back to that calm state.

It works, I do it every time someone annoys me.

However sensing what the other person comes through sensetivity training through Chi Sau. So its as simple as telling you to keep practicing.


It would be best that you create a new thread for this as you have posted in a sticky.

However I would say you need to practice concentrating on your breathing while doing Sil Lim Tao and concentrate on how relaxed you feel.

In James W. DeMile's book, Power Punch (1 inch and 3 inch punch) there is a section on relaxing. It pretty much tells you to meditate and self hypnotise. So while you are in a relaxed state you repeat to yourself somthing along the lines of every time I say the word relax I will remember how I feel right now and instantly go back to this feeling.

You want to try the same in Sil Lim Tao. Relax and concentrate on your breathing. When you feel very calm you want to remember it and when it comes to sparring tell yourself to relax and go back to that calm state.

It works, I do it every time someone annoys me.

However sensing what the other person comes through sensetivity training through Chi Sau. So its as simple as telling you to keep practicing.

yes i had wing chun and i was learn more knowledge form master wing chun.. i lyk wingt chun
thang you for imformation
This forum is dedicated to the art of Wing Chun. This forum is not affiliated with any organization, association or particular lineage. The goal is to provide a platform for the free and easy exchange of accurate and unbiased information about Wing Chun.

We invite all students, teachers, practitioners, researchers and those just simply interested in the art to join in the discussion with questions, answers and random thoughts.


i have attend
Hi.I'm new to this forum...My first post here. I'm a Wing Chun Instructor in NJ.I've been training in Wing Chun for 25 years. Right Now I teach private and semi private. If you like more information my email is [email protected] you can also visit my website for information at I also hold a class in NYC on Sundays with a small group of guys.

please i build of wing chun there in my country....bulan sorsogon Philippines please visits here..i love wing chun.
I heard that Sydney based instructor Rick Spain has written a book on Wing Chun, has anyone read it? Has it been released yet?Cheers
What I love about WC is its free flowing fighting techniques that allow you to flow from one to another. The utilization of one structure instead of brute force and aggressive close range attacks both kicks and hands are extremely impressive to me!
I'm pretty new to WC but have many years in multiple styles of Okinawan Karate. I too have a love for this combat system for many reasons. Angles and traps are among my favorite things thus far!
I learned early on to relax by keeping my guard up! I don't mean to sound condescending by making this statement but if you are hard to hit you naturally are more relaxed. When you reach this point you will find it easier to see what's coming at you. You should also keep an eye on the leading elbow and move to the side to fight from the blind side as much as possible. If you do this you virtually eliminate the other arm as a threat for that moment and you can deliver effective blows which should end the conflict!
Hello people, I m just wondering whether anyone has heard of Delta Wing Chun and the lineage of Sifu Lakis Philippou (Filippou) please comment your opinion on Delta wing chun. Thank you!
Hi all im brand new to this Forum thing, so hope someone can show me the ropes. I actually wanted to know how to put a signature beneath my post, anyone know how to do that?
