Wing Chun Forum

After a while you start to see the similarities between arts ... and realize that (good) live instruction in an art that's not your first choice is better than video instruction in an art that was your first choice.

... within reason, of course. They're not all exactly the same, but (good) live beats video.
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I understand that but as I said there is no one within seventy five miles who could teach. so should I change to something that's more generally known in my area?

Xue Sheng is completely correct. The devil is in the details, and you cannot learn the details without a competent instructor.
Find a school in your area. Train hard.
I understand that but as I said there is no one within seventy five miles who could teach. so should I change to something that's more generally known in my area?

You could maybe try advertising in whatever local rag or mag you have to hand. It is possible there maybe a qualified Sifu that does not teach commercially anymore, or at all to the public. You never know.
I understand that but as I said there is no one within seventy five miles who could teach. so should I change to something that's more generally known in my area?

Don't rule out traveling. Some of us have traveled extensive distances to learn WC. I'd say it would be better to travel and learn from a competent Situ (if even occasionally) than to try to do it alone.
Secondly, where in the world are you? A lot of Situ's operate "under the radar" teaching privately... someone on here may know of a source near you.
southwest Virginia. and I did find someone about twenty miles away that says he can teach wc but when I looked at his rankings in different arts I didn't see any in wc. He did have a rank in jkd however. would jkd transfer over to wc to a level where he could teach wc while only knowing jkd?
southwest Virginia. and I did find someone about twenty miles away that says he can teach wc but when I looked at his rankings in different arts I didn't see any in wc. He did have a rank in jkd however. would jkd transfer over to wc to a level where he could teach wc while only knowing jkd?

Traditional Chinese martial arts, which includes Wing Chun, has no ranks.

As for JKD compared to Wing Chun, they are not the same, close, but not the same and that is because the root of JKD is Wing Chun. My short time in JKD made me look at it as Wing Chun on Steroids.
As for JKD compared to Wing Chun, they are not the same, close, but not the same and that is because the root of JKD is Wing Chun. My short time in JKD made me look at it as Wing Chun on Steroids.

So it's Wing Chun with anger management issues and a small penis?
Well I don't know about the small penis bits (although I get the steroid connection there) but I suppose it could be said it had anger management issues

I've just often found "folk sayings" to make no sense. People say things like "I need to pee like a race horse" and I wonder why they want to pee outdoors, standing up, with no regad for who might be watching or what they pee on.
I've just often found "folk sayings" to make no sense. People say things like "I need to pee like a race horse" and I wonder why they want to pee outdoors, standing up, with no regad for who might be watching or what they pee on.

Well that sillier than a barefoot jackrabbit on a hot greasy griddle in the middle of August
southwest Virginia. and I did find someone about twenty miles away that says he can teach wc but when I looked at his rankings in different arts I didn't see any in wc. He did have a rank in jkd however. would jkd transfer over to wc to a level where he could teach wc while only knowing jkd?

Hi ypsaton. Here is some info for you in case you haven't seen it yet.

1) Western Masters Martial Arts Instructors

2) Tri-Cities Kung Fu Everyone should be able to protect themselves.

3) Roanoke Kung Fu Academy Learn Ving Tsun Kung Fu

4) Wing Chun Ving Tsun WingTsun School Directory eWingChun

Let us know how it goes!!!
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I saw the one in roanoke but it was a bit too far. (about an hours drive.) But I eventually found a place in Radford which cuts drive time in half. even found someone who may carpool and split lesson costs
Hi, as from this Thursday I'll be living in Montreal Canada and I'm looking for people to train with. If someone is interested please PM me.
I myself train PB WSL system

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Hi -- can anyone recommend a wing chun school in NJ? I'd like to visit as many as reasonably possible before joining. Thanks for your help.

Kevin Gledhill is your go to sifu there. Met him once and is a very nice guy. I mysekf train PB VT and love the system

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my question about Wing Chun is how does the wooden dummy thing work? it seems super cool and intriguing to me
YES, to be honest I've always wondered this myself, I've seen the thing, but have absolutely no idea what it does or what its for haha.. I'm assuming one blocks/parries it and strikes it in some way..
YES, to be honest I've always wondered this myself, I've seen the thing, but have absolutely no idea what it does or what its for haha.. I'm assuming one blocks/parries it and strikes it in some way..
yeah i think you are right. another thing it might be is toughening up the forearms? kind of like how Muay Thai and certain forms of Karate toughen up the shins maybe Wing Chun makes the forearms tougher