European Wing Chun Cup 2013


White Belt

"European Wing Chun Cup 2013" took place at the 7th Martial Arts Olympics "East -- West" 11-14 April 2013 in St. Petersburg, Russia

Over 200 athletes from 10 countries competed within 3 days on three platforms

The organizers of the "European Wing Chun Cup 2013":
- European Wing Chun Federation,
- World Wing Chun Union,
- International Wing Chun Organization,
- Russian Wing Chun Federation,
- International Confederation of Martial Arts.


Martial Arts Olympics "East-West" - the biggest event of martial arts in the world.
More than 10,000 athletes from more than 50 countries representing 35 martial arts in the Olympics.
Wing Chun was included in the Martial Arts Olympic this year
"European Cup Wing Chun 2013" was held as part of the Martial Arts Olympics

The competition categories were:
- Taolu ( 套路 ),
- Duelyan ( 對練 ),
- Chi Sao ( 黐手 ).
- Free Fight ( 對抗 ).

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