Blue Belt
That is not at all what my post meant to imply...
It was just to point out that even (most of) SN's students nowadays have modified their teachings.
And if one wants to learn the traditional way, it would be better to learn from the Pang family than the more commercially oriented mou goons.
I hope this clariefies the issue.
yeah, Sorry, it was after I posted it that I realised my comment could be construed as a bit of a smart **** comment. I didn't mean it to be and totally understand your comment.
In terms of my friend learning from one of Sigung's older sons (I can never remember his name),,, My friend went around and had a look at a lot of wing chun, a number of Sigung's disciples (and wing chun not connected to Sum Nung), and he figured that Sigung's son was the one to learn from (and my friend is very, very, very experienced in some Japanese martial arts, so he is definitely no naïve person to be taken in by gimmicks). From what he told me it seems a lot of them operate the commercial school and then may take private students. And what they teach in private is of a different level to the public stuff. And I agree that to teach Guangzhou style wing chun in a commercial class context it would have to be modified in order to make it accessible to most people.
That makes sense and is exactly how my sifu did it when he operated his school. the difference with my sifu though is that in the commercial school he taught the Yip Man style of wing chun. Those of us he chose to teach privately trained at his home, it was entirely separate from the school (though we did train the Guangzhou stuff in he class too). When we learned the Guangzhou style at his house it was in the traditional way.