I was pointing out, and I believe I clarified this at the end of my post, that this is a nuanced issue. It isn't all black-and-white. I was describing some of the nuances. There are reasons why some people see less value in sparring than other people do.
---You described one nuance and implied that it was a good reason not to spar. It didn't seem like a good one to me, so I point that out and was seeking some clarification.
If you come back with a dismissive attitude and tell me my reasons are just a "cop out", then you are not worthy of my time and further discussion.
---Well, sorry that you are so sensitive to someone questioning your somewhat ambiguous post. And very ironic that you are accusing me of having a "dismissive attitude" when you are the one that has declared that I "wasn't to be taken seriously" and just stated that I am "not worthy of your time and further discussion." I just questioned one point that you made, and you have come back and dismissed me and anything I have to say entirely!!! And you want to talk about a "dismissive attitude"????
If you can't understand that other people have reasons for seeing it differently,
----Well, I provide more examples of good reasons not to spar than you did. And I noted that I agreed with what you posted except for that one idea.
and you can't disagree with a modicum of respect for a different point of view, then we cannot have a discussion, or even share ideas in passing even if a deeper discussion does not build.
---So you are so sensitive that you think someone telling you that "dialing back techniques" as a reason not to spar is a cop out (meaning an invalid reason)....that you think you have been disrespected and have gotten all "bent out of shape" over it?

Dude, you should know better than that after being around in the forums for as long as you have! Lighten up!