Xue Sheng
All weight is underside
Hmmm. I didn't realize that Chan Yiu Min's descendants use the characters 永春 (eternal spring) and not 詠春 (chant/praise the spring). Being in a branch of the Yip Man lineage, we use the latter.
There's a lot of this kind of thing that goes on. Since Wing Chun was taught through word and action, rather than through written texts, those students who later commited their learning to written notes often used different characters with similar sounds but different meanings. Then, when the characters are Romanized, the confusion is only compounded. Just consider the terms Siu Nim Tau, Siu Lam Tau, Sil Lum Tao.... But, hey it's all Wing Chun, or Weng Chun ..or Wing Tsun, or is that Tjun? Txun, Tshun,Tchun??? Oh, just forget it!
You forgot yǒng chūn :uhyeah: