Wing Chun is an Internal System

Eru Ilúvatar;1103621 said:
Gee, thanks... But I got an impression from your last post that Xingyiquan and Xinyiquan are not the same?! Or can I find info about Xinyiquan on that site too?

Was that sarcastic or something and I missed the joke?

The "other" link, that you may have missed since I did a bit of editing after my initial post talks about Xinyiquan as does this one


There is a lot of info on Xinyiquan out there if you look but since I do not train Xinyiquan I can't tell you much beyond it looks similar to Xingyiquan to me and Xingyiquan likley comes from it via Ji Jike and the few Xinyi people I talked to do not think they are the same.

And there was no sarcasm or a joke just what I have run into.

Oh and now your editing as I post :D


There also use to be a Xinyi person on MT but I have not seen him post for a while now.
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Yea the reason why I see them some what similiar WC and Xing Yi Quan is because the basic structure in the way the fight. All the forms of Xing Yi Quan seem to be alot more active than WC. But overall they tend to favor more than WC compared to Tai Chi fighting. But the reason why I say that is because once I saw a movie where a guy was using Xing Yi Quan. At first glance I thought he as doing a Modified version of WC. But later on I discovered it was not WC buy XYQ

Anyway. Wing Chun is actually from Northern Shaolin. But later on came to southern China after the expulsion of the boxers from the Northern part of Shaolin. I am paraphrasing here...The actual Info if you want I can pull up. But WC originated in North.
Yea the reason why I see them some what similiar WC and Xing Yi Quan is because the basic structure in the way the fight. All the forms of Xing Yi Quan seem to be alot more active than WC. But overall they tend to favor more than WC compared to Tai Chi fighting. But the reason why I say that is because once I saw a movie where a guy was using Xing Yi Quan. At first glance I thought he as doing a Modified version of WC. But later on I discovered it was not WC buy XYQ

watch the Jet Li movie "the one" at the end it is baguazhang vs Xingyiquan and it will give you sime idea as to xingyiquan on attack, just ignore the axe bits :D

Anyway. Wing Chun is actually from Northern Shaolin. But later on came to southern China after the expulsion of the boxers from the Northern part of Shaolin. I am paraphrasing here...The actual Info if you want I can pull up. But WC originated in North.

And Ip Chun is also saying he suspects that Wing Chun came from the North as well, but not so much linking it to Shaolin.
watch the Jet Li movie "the one" at the end it is baguazhang vs Xingyiquan and it will give you sime idea as to xingyiquan on attack, just ignore the axe bits :D

...And Ip Chun is also saying he suspects that Wing Chun came from the North as well, but not so much linking it to Shaolin.

Others have hypothesized that it came from the West along trade routes... From Szechuan (the legend or Ng Mui sojourning at Mt. Tai Leung) and may even have links to certain rare arts practiced near the Thai border (Lem Lung or "Flying Monkey"). In all probability, there are multiple sources contributing to Wing Chun/Tsun. But, IMHO its overall character seems to be shaped by the narrow bridge Southern Chinese styles of the region which resemble it in so many ways.
Yea I love that movie....that fight scene between the two Law's was excellent...Also has any one see The Revenge of the Tai Chi Master...or Twin Warriors?

With Jet Li he does Tai Chi...

Also the Tai Chi Master has a fight scene of a guy doing Baguazhang and another guy doing Tai Chi Chaun.

Xue concerning the movie The One.

My favorite scene is when he is practicing Hsing yi in the prison cell
Jade Cloud,who do you study Wing Tsun with in the Miami area?
I don't study Wing Chun or Wing Tsun.

My teacher did study it but as for his linerage in Wing Chun I don't know because I never asked being that I study Bagua,Xingyi,and Taiji.

Also I don't study here in Miami I go up to Ft.Lauderdale.
Are Familiar with the fight scene where he uses some Tai Chi strikes and shoulder attacks?

Yes...and no.

But interestingly enough one of the forms he is doing when he is allegedly figuring out Taiji comes from the old style Laojia Yilu I learned.

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